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在周期式热轧管机多参数在线测试的基础上分析了该轧管机主传动系统各轴段扭矩的变化,探讨了系统扭转刚度对系统动态响应的影响。对该轧管机进行了扭振固有模态分析;采用“状态空间一平均速度”的电算方法求解轧管机主传动系统的动态响应,结果与实测示波图取得了较好的一致,并得到了不同喂料速度,轧辊转速条件下扭矩最大值的变化曲线。用多维变量优化方法,对轧管机主传动系统各轴段刚度进行了优化计算,提出降低主传动系统扭矩动态响应峰值的可能方案。 Based on the multi-parameter on-line test of the periodic hot rolling mill, the change of torque of each section of the main driving system of the rolling mill was analyzed. The influence of the system torsional stiffness on the system dynamic response was also discussed. The torsional vibration mode analysis of the pipe mill was carried out. The dynamic response of the main drive system of the pipe mill was solved by the computer method of “state space-average speed”. The results were in good agreement with the measured oscillograms. The curves of torque maximum under different feeding speed and roll speed were obtained. The multi-dimensional variable optimization method is used to optimize the stiffness of each section of the main drive system of the pipe mill. The possible solutions to reduce the peak torque dynamic response of the main drive system are proposed.
Pore water studies enable (1) the detection of diagenetic reactions actively occurring in the sediment atthe time of sampling,(2) the distinction between princ
一杯上等香槟酒的特征就是一圈位于玻璃杯液面上的稳定泡沫。在酿酒者看来,泡沫的形成和破裂是由泡沫内液体或气体表面的吸附层决定的,这是一 A glass of fine champagne is
Undesprojetslesplusambitieux ,Planetlmager,啨labor啨parlaNasa,devraitpermettreded啨tecterdesplan埁teso敶lavieadeforteschancesdes 毢tred啨 Undesprojetslesplusambitieux, Planetlmager, 啨 labor 啨 parlaNasa, devraitpermettreded 啨 tecterdesplan 埁 teso 敶 lavieadeforte
2014年10月间,我参加了中国井冈山干部学院2014年第2期县委书记党性教育专题培训班。学院以空间换时间,走进现场、融入历史、亲身体验、触景生情的独特教学方式,引发了学员们内心强烈的共鸣,成效胜过多年所受的各种革命传统教育。其所传递出的“坚定信念、艰苦奋斗、实事求是、敢闯新路、依靠群众、勇于胜利”的井冈山精神更使我深受教育和启迪。  一、井冈山精神是强化党性锻炼坚定理想信念的精神支柱  历时两年
1 —Acombienrouliez_vous ?demandelegendarme .—Adeuxseulement,maissivousvoulezmonter ,ilrestedelaplace .2 Danslarue ,unhommedemande Mada 1 -Acombienrouliez_vous? Demandelegendarme.-Adeuxseulement, maissivousvoulezmonter, ilrestedelaplace .2 Danslarue, un
镗制内螺纹的方法甚多,这里仅介绍一种简单易行的用于普通车床的大直径内螺纹镗头。此镗头多年来在我厂铸钢件上镗制M145×1.5内螺纹中使用,效果较为满意。一、机构介绍 Th