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命令来得很突然。我和轮机长刚从机仓里走出来,海军哨“嘘——嘘——”的响了。当我把机仓门关好,甲板上已站起队了。我问轮机长:“今天补假吗?”轮机长笑着说:“很可能呀。半个月没放假了……”“立正!”舰值日发出口令。轮机长给我作了个手势——表示舰长要说话了。“同志们!任务很艰巨——”舰长站在主炮的滑板上提高嗓子,大声说,“无名岛断了两天的水了,因为这半个月一直刮着大风,运不过去。今晚仍有六级风,但是,为了支持坚守在祖国海防前哨的战友,为了打击敌人的侵犯,就是刮十二级风,我们必须坚决把水送上无名岛去!现在我命令,准备启航!”……甲板上骚动超来;烟囱里冒出了黑黑的浓烟;甲板底下响起了隆隆的马达声。“起锚!”军舰离开码头,舰首象刀一样地划破平静 The order came very suddenly. I and chief engineer just came out from the machine room, the naval post “Shhh - Shhh -” rang. When I closed the machine door, the deck had stood up. Chief Engineer I asked, “Do you make up for the day?” Chief Engineer said with a smile: “Most likely, half a month did not have a holiday ...” “Standing!” Ship Day issued a password. Chief engineer gave me a gesture - that the captain to speak. “Comrades! The task is arduous -” said the captain, raising his throat standing on the skateboard of the main gun. He said aloud, “The Anonymous Island has been wasting water for two days because it has been blowing a strong wind for half a month and will not be transported.” There is still six wind tonight, but in order to support the comrades-in arms in the Haiphong outpost of the motherland, in order to combat enemy encroachment, it is to scratch the dozen of winds. We must firmly send the water to the anonymous island. Now I command and prepare Air! “... ... over the decks on the commotion; thick black smoke in the chimney; under the deck of the rumbling sound of the motor. ”Anchor!" The warship left the wharf and the warship cut its head like a knife
AIM: To investigate risk factors for pancreatic cancer and establish a risk model for Han population. METHODS: This population-based case-control study was carr
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Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) such as the epidermal growth factor receptor family participate in several steps of tumor formation including proliferation and
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