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我正坐在一辆通勤巴上后排,汗津津的,往大橡树园开去。我的手袋里有一份报纸——可以用来遮脸,像谍匪片似的——还有三只大脐橙用来让我熬过盯梢的时间。我说不清为什么要跟踪弗雷迪,但近来我总是梦见机床:明黄色的带可调机头的新星X3000型。在梦里我赤身裸体躬在一台 X3000上,在一个大牧场中央,那些 I was sitting in the back of a commuter bus, sweat Jinzai, go to the Big Oak Park. There is a newspaper in my handbag - it can be used to cover the face like a spy bandit - and there are three big navel oranges that have taken me through the tails. I can not tell why I’m keeping track of Freddy, but lately I’ve always dreamed about the machine: the bright yellow Nova X3000 with adjustable nose. In the dream I bow naked on an X3000, in a central ranch, those
近些年,环境保护在我国也逐渐贯彻于国民的行动与意识之中。人们意识到,人与动物不再是吃与被吃,征服与被征服的关系,人不过是 In recent years, environmental protection
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AIM: To investigate risk factors for pancreatic cancer and establish a risk model for Han population. METHODS: This population-based case-control study was carr
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Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) such as the epidermal growth factor receptor family participate in several steps of tumor formation including proliferation and
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