
来源 :上海经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunj2009
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该文对构建中国特色社会主义政治经济学的基本理论问题作了四个方面的探讨。一是强调必须创新科学社会主义理论,不能再将对于社会主义的认识停留在19世纪的时代局限之中,一定要做到思想与时俱进,接受理论创新。二是指出必须重塑以具有整体性的劳动范畴为基点的劳动价值理论,因为只有具有整体性的劳动才是真实的劳动,只有具有整体性的劳动范畴才是科学的劳动范畴,只有使用科学的具有整体性的劳动范畴的劳动价值论才能是科学的劳动价值论。三是必须研究和发展社会再生产理论,创新的社会再生产理论不仅应该包括对外贸易和金融信贷等开放性的调节方式,而且还应该是包括服务业劳动提供的劳务产品交换在内的两大部类的社会再生产理论。四是必须建立社会经济人假说,社会经济人假设提出的十大理性基点,将以高度的对社会负责的自觉理性,引导政治经济学的研究大步迈向新的时代。这一经济学假设,在由劳动的内部矛盾发展决定的社会发展之中,在中国特色社会主义政治经济学的研究之中,将会有进一步丰富发展的内容。 This article explores four aspects of the basic theoretical issues in building the political economy with Chinese characteristics. First, we must emphasize the need to innovate the theory of scientific socialism, stop the understanding of socialism in the limitations of the 19th century, and make sure that the thinking advances with the times and accepts theoretical innovation. Second, it points out that we must reshape the theory of labor value based on a holistic labor category. Because only labor with integrity is the real labor, only the labor category with the integrity is the labor category of science. Only by using science The labor value theory of labor with a holistic nature is a scientific theory of labor value. Third, we must study and develop the theory of social reproduction. The innovative theory of social reproduction should not only include the open adjustment methods such as foreign trade and financial credit, but also the two major categories including the exchange of labor services provided by labor services Social reproduction theory. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a hypothesis of social and economic persons. Ten rational points set out by the social and economic person hypothesis will be guided by a high degree of self-conscious rationality that is socially responsible and guide the study of political economy to a new era. This economic hypothesis, in the social development determined by the internal contradictions in labor, will have further enrichment and development in the study of political economy with Chinese characteristics.
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