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一、回避探义回避一词,据查,即回转、躲避,可以理解为有意避开。回避一词从表面看似贬义词,但细细回味起来其意义却是主动的、善意的、进步的。干部任用条例中的回避,是指为了保证领导干部不以亲属关系等因素,对公务活动产生不良影响,而对其所任的职务、任职地区、执行公务等方面,作出一定限制性规定的干部管理制度。主要有公务回避和任职回避两种。干部任用条例中明确规定:有夫妻关系、直系血亲关系、三代以内旁系血亲以及近姻亲关系的,“不得在同一机关担任双方直接隶属于同一领导人员的职务或者直接上下级关系的职务,也不得在其中一方担任领导职务的机关从事组织(人事)、纪检(监察)、审计、财务工作。” 中国官吏回避制度始建于东汉后期,历经唐宋明清1800余年。回避制度的产生和发展,在整饬吏治、防止官员利用亲属徇私舞弊、帮助官员摆脱各种宗法关系、裙带关系羁伴等起过大作用。现行的干部回避制度是在批判地继承古代回避制度合理成份,并借鉴国外有益的做法,总 First, to avoid the word dodge avoidance, according to the investigation, that is, turn, avoid, can be understood as deliberately avoided. The term avoidance appears to be a derogatory term on the surface, but the meaning of the metamorphosis is active, goodwill, and progressive. The avoidance in the regulations on the appointment of cadres refers to the cadres who have made certain restrictions in respect of their duties, areas of appointment and execution of official duties, in order to ensure that leading cadres will not adversely affect official activities in the light of such factors as kinship. Management System. There are two main types of official avoidance and avoidance. The Regulations on the Appointment of Officials explicitly stipulate that there shall be any relationship between the husband and wife, the lineal blood relationship, the lineage blood relations within three generations, and the relationship of near-intimacy, “shall not serve in the same institution directly or indirectly in the position of the same leader or the lower- Nor may one of them hold the office of leading position in the organization (personnel), discipline inspection (supervision), auditing, financial work. ”The Chinese officials’ evasion system was established in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, after more than 1,800 years of the Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties. Avoiding the emergence and development of the system has played an important role in rectifying officials, preventing officials from using relatives to favor others for their own benefits, helping officials get rid of all kinds of patriarchal clan relations and nongovernmental relations with nepotism. The current system of cadre avoidance is to critically inherit the reasonable elements of the ancient system of avoidance and learn from the beneficial practices abroad.