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缘份,有时真是妙不可言。有那么四个人,因为长相酷似另外一个人,自己的人生便从此得以改变;而那另一个人的名字,却是如此的震憾寰宇,他就是一邓小平。卢奇、李中坚、安荣生和潘玉民,这四位在中国影坛饰演邓小平的特型演员,他们正是“有幸与邓小平结缘的人”。卢奇:八一电影制片特型演员,祖籍重庆。在《山城雪》、《百色起义》、《长乐之战》等影片中都有上乘表演。曾荣获第10届电影金鸡奖最佳男主角奖、第9届华表奖优秀男演员奖、第26届百花奖最佳男演员奖等。李中坚:浙江温州东方打火机有限公司总经理、著名企业家。2003年因在电视连续剧《延安颂》中饰演邓小平而受到广泛关注。 Fate, sometimes fantastic. There are so four people whose lives have been changed since they look exactly like the other person. The name of the other person is so shocking that he is one of Deng Xiaoping. Lu Qi, Li Zhongjian, An Rongsheng and Pan Yu-min, the four special type actors who act as Deng Xiaoping in Chinese film and television are the people who “are fortunate enough to become friends with Deng Xiaoping.” Lu Qi: 81 film special actor, native of Chongqing. In “Mountain Snow”, “Baise Uprising”, “Battle of Changle” and other films have excellent performances. Has won the 10th Golden Rooster Award for best actor movie, the 9th Hua Biao Award for outstanding actor award, the 26th Hundred Flowers Award for best actor award. Li Zhongjian: Zhejiang Wenzhou Oriental Lighter Co., Ltd. General Manager, a famous entrepreneur. In 2003 due to television series “Yan’an Song” plays Deng Xiaoping and widespread attention.
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