f_T=260 GHz and f_(max)=607 GHz of 100-nm-gate In_(0.52)Al_(0.48)As/In_(0.7)Ga_(0.3)As HEMTs with G_

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwe6367
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The 100-nm T-gate InP-based InAlAs/InGaAs high electron mobility transistors(HEMTs) with the width of 2 × 50 μm and source-drain space of 2.4 μm are systematically investigated.High indium(In) composition of InGaAs layer was adopted to acquire the higher mobility of the channel layer.A sandwich structure was adopted to optimize the cap layers and produce a very low contact resistance.The fabricated devices exhibit extrinsic maximum transconductance G_(m.max) = 1441 mS/mm,cutoff frequency f_T = 260 GHz,and maximum oscillation frequency f_(max) = 607 GHz.A semi-empirical model has been developed to precisely fit the low-frequency region of scattering parameters(S parameters) for InP-based HEMTs.Excellent agreement between measured and simulated S parameters demonstrates the validity of this approach. The 100-nm T-gate InP-based InAlAs / InGaAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) with a width of 2 × 50 μm and source-drain space of 2.4 μm are systematically investigated. High indium (In) composition of InGaAs layer was adopted to acquire the higher mobility of the channel layer. A sandwich structure was adopted to optimize the cap layers and produce a very low contact resistance. fabricated device exhibit extrinsic maximum transconductance G_ (m.max) = 1441 mS / mm, cutoff frequency f_T = 260 GHz, and maximum oscillation frequency f_max = 607 GHz. A semi-empirical model has been developed to precisely fit the low-frequency region of scattering parameters (S parameters) for InP-based HEMTs. and simulated S parameters demonstrates the validity of this approach.
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