
来源 :上海水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxinyi808
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党中央、国务院历来非常重视水利工作,近年来水利建设进一步得到加强,投资资金有较大增加,尤其今年汛期的洪水灾害造成的巨大损失更引起各级领导的重视水利基本建设,加大了资金投入的力度,有利水利工作开展。形势好,任务重。大量资金的投入对各级水利部门的财务工作提出了更高要求,管好用好资金的责任加重。从本市历年来水利基本建设资金的使用管理上,笔者认为还存在着三个突出的问题:1.有的地方单位对基建计划和资金管理工作重视不够,随意性大,擅自更改计划和改变建设资金使用方向,甚至出借资金,造成坏帐收不回来,影响工程的完成。个别工程出现边设计边施工的现象,资金难以控制。 The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to water conservancy work. In recent years, water conservancy construction has been further strengthened and investment funds have greatly increased. In particular, the enormous losses caused by flood disasters in this year’s floods have also caused leaders at all levels to attach importance to water conservancy construction and increase funds Investment efforts, favorable water conservancy work carried out. The situation is good, the task is heavy. A lot of money invested put forward higher requirements on the financial work of the water conservancy departments at various levels, and the responsibility of managing and using the funds is aggravated. From the city’s water conservancy capital construction over the years the use and management of funds, the author believes that there are still three outstanding issues: 1. Some local units of infrastructure planning and fund management is not enough attention, arbitrarily large, unauthorized changes to the plan and change The direction of construction funds, and even lending funds, resulting in bad loans do not come back, affecting the completion of the project. Some engineering side of the design side of the phenomenon of construction, funds difficult to control.
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不见陈真,不识男人。正因为陈真和霍元甲一样,享有广泛的声誉,所以许多人都以为历史上确有其人。事实上,陈真只是一个虚构的人物,在各类历史档案中均无关于他的记载。根据专家考证以及霍元甲后人提供的资料,也证实了陈真的确是一个子虚乌有的人物。  陈真初次登场,是在1972年李小龙主演的电影《精武门》中。导演罗维和李小龙为了将霍元甲所倡导的精武精神最大限度地传承和延续下去,同时又能不受史实的拘束,便请倪匡为