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河北省滦县玻璃钢厂是滦县科委1990年创办的集科研、生产为一体的新型企业.这个名不见经传,起初仅靠5万元投资起家的小厂,经过几年的风风雨雨,连续开发出高新技术产品5项,国家级产品1项,累计创利税55万元,如今已发展成为以生产玻璃钢/塑料复合管道为主导产品,兼营几十种玻璃钢制品,拥有固定资产173万元,年产值500万元的中外合资企业——唐山佳技复合材料有限公司. Gengxian Fiberglass Plant in Hebei Province is a new type of enterprise established by the Pixian Science and Technology Commission in 1990. It is a new type of enterprise that has not been seen in the past. It started as a small factory that only started with 50,000 yuan. After several years of ups and downs, Continuously developed 5 hi-tech products and 1 national-level product, accumulatively creating profits and taxes of 550,000 yuan. Nowadays, it has developed into a leading product in the production of FRP/plastic composite pipes, and concurrently operates dozens of glass and steel products, with 1.37 million fixed assets. Yuan, a Sino-foreign joint venture with an annual output value of 5 million yuan - Tangshan Jiayi Composite Materials Co., Ltd.
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介绍了一种新型的微机串行通讯接口。它采用了一种支持总线和设备之间高速通讯的并串转换适配器——ST C101,使得串行通讯接口具有高带宽,兼容性好,易于编程,结构简单,便于实
FedEx动如脱兔,UPS则静若处子。两个速递巨头以不同的策略掀起了新一轮无线军备竞赛。 FedEx move, such as off the rabbit, UPS is static if at the child. Two courier
1986-1990年,我站采用吡喹酮治疗急性血吸虫病(简称急血)110例,获得满意的效果。临床资料110例中,男性76例,女性34例,年龄最小8岁,最大35岁。农民35例,学生32例,渔民17例、其它6例。110例中有尾蚴性皮炎史85例,畏寒79例,... 1
肠系膜上动脉压迹一般情况下X线诊断并不困难 ,由于平时对它的认识不足 ,容易漏诊。本文收集了52例 ,着重分析有关X线表现的特征 ,并对X线分度及临床意义作一初步探讨。1 资料
拱北卫生检疫局1992年1至11月传染病监测体检中经血清学检测检出6例潜伏期梅毒患者。并对患者进行了流行病学调查,提出对梅毒患者的综合防治措施。 Gongbei Health and Quar
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