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怎样看待国有企业及其面临的困难和问题,已成为当前改革发展中的一个热点,也是社会各界普遍关注的一个问题。如何统一认识,形成共识,满怀信心地推进国有企业的改革和发展,是当务之急。 国有企业特别是国有大中型企业,是我国社会主义取得的巨大成果,是我国国民经济的骨干力量和现代化建设的命脉所系。在几十年的建设过程中,它谱写过雄壮的乐章,做出了重大的贡献。经过十多年的改革开放,国有企业的实力和活力得到加强, How to treat state-owned enterprises and their difficulties and problems has become a hot spot in the current reform and development, and it is also a common concern of all walks of life. How to unify understanding, form consensus, and promote the reform and development of state-owned enterprises with full confidence is an urgent task. State-owned enterprises, especially large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, are a great achievement of socialism in our country and are the backbone of our national economy and the lifeline of modernization. In the course of several decades of construction, it has composed magnificent movements and made significant contributions. After more than a decade of reform and opening up, the strength and vitality of state-owned enterprises have been strengthened.
根据以往的资料 ,80 %以上的卒中病人存在梗死 ,而每个病例的急性期、长期治疗及预后取决于其起因。目前 ,许多卒中登记机构过分地强调了脑梗死最常见的单一病因 ,而对脑梗死
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介绍了一种新型的微机串行通讯接口。它采用了一种支持总线和设备之间高速通讯的并串转换适配器——ST C101,使得串行通讯接口具有高带宽,兼容性好,易于编程,结构简单,便于实
FedEx动如脱兔,UPS则静若处子。两个速递巨头以不同的策略掀起了新一轮无线军备竞赛。 FedEx move, such as off the rabbit, UPS is static if at the child. Two courier
1986-1990年,我站采用吡喹酮治疗急性血吸虫病(简称急血)110例,获得满意的效果。临床资料110例中,男性76例,女性34例,年龄最小8岁,最大35岁。农民35例,学生32例,渔民17例、其它6例。110例中有尾蚴性皮炎史85例,畏寒79例,... 1
肠系膜上动脉压迹一般情况下X线诊断并不困难 ,由于平时对它的认识不足 ,容易漏诊。本文收集了52例 ,着重分析有关X线表现的特征 ,并对X线分度及临床意义作一初步探讨。1 资料
拱北卫生检疫局1992年1至11月传染病监测体检中经血清学检测检出6例潜伏期梅毒患者。并对患者进行了流行病学调查,提出对梅毒患者的综合防治措施。 Gongbei Health and Quar
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