发展个体私营经济 壮大县域经济主体

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近几年来,我县把个体私营经济作为县域经济的主体来抓,使其取得了长足的发展。至2000年底,全县个体工商户实现税收4675万元,占全县地方财政收入的35.4%,今后我们要从五个方面入手,使个体私营经济这一县域经济主体在扩大量的同时,得到质的升华。一、从完善市场入手,夯实发展基础。一是加快市场建设。要按照统一规划、统一管理的原则,实行“谁建谁有,谁出资谁受益”的政策,鼓励各种经济成分的投资者积极投资,加快市场建设。逐步把县城新街购物一条街、城西贸易城、中心大市场、建材大市场、福旺和百信超市等,建成档次较高、品类齐全、批零兼营的综合性商品购物中心。同时要积极培育专业批发市场,逐步形成以城区为中心,以乡镇农贸专业市场为支撑点,大中小型结合,高中低档并重,连接县内外、省内外、海内外的商品大市场格局。二是健全市场体系。在发展商品市场的同时,要结合县情,因地制宜,培育资金市场,完善房地产市场,发展劳动力市场,兴建技术、信息市场,尽快建立与多种经济成分相适应的多形式多层次的生产要素市场。三是加强市场监管。工商、技术监督、物价等部门要根据“放而有度、管而有法,活而有序”的原则,依法把好市场准入关,规 In recent years, our county has taken the individual and private economy as the main body of the county economy and has made great strides in its development. By the end of 2000, the individual and industrial and commercial households in the county had realized taxes of 46.75 million yuan, accounting for 35.4% of the total local financial revenues of the whole county. In the future, we should start from five aspects, so that individual and private-owned economy, Sublimation of quality. First, starting from improving the market, consolidate the basis for development. First, speed up market construction. In accordance with the principle of unified planning and unified management, we should implement the policy of “Who should build who owns and who should benefit from investment” and encourage investors of various economic sectors to actively invest and speed up market construction. Gradually to the county New Street Shopping Street, Chengxi Trade City, the center of the market, building materials market, Fu Wang and 100 letter supermarkets, built a higher grade, complete range, wholesale and retail 兼营 integrated shopping malls. At the same time, it is necessary to actively cultivate a professional wholesale market and gradually form a large market pattern centered on the urban area, supported mainly by the township farmer’s specialized market, combining small, medium-sized businesses with high middle and low end shares, and connecting the domestic and overseas markets both at home and abroad both at home and abroad. Second, improve the market system. At the same time of developing the commodity market, we must combine the county conditions with local conditions, foster the capital market, improve the real estate market, develop the labor market, build technology and information markets, and establish a multi-modal and multi-level factor market as soon as possible . The third is to strengthen market supervision. Trade and Industry, technical supervision, price and other departments should be based on the principle of “letting go but the law and the law live and orderly”, according to the law to better market access, regulations
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