
来源 :中国药师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hualing_xue
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目的:小结临床药师在协同查房中调整抗菌药物治疗的工作。方法:临床药师参入1例医院获得性肺炎病例查房,与医生共同确定、抗菌药选择并实行药学服务。结果:临床药师协同查房,关注病程发展,病史,用药史,选用正确的抗菌药覆盖可疑病原菌及时控制感染。结论:临床药师参与药物治疗,主动提出抗菌药使用建议,为患者和医师提供药学服务提高药物治疗质量。 OBJECTIVE: To summarize the clinical pharmacists’ efforts in adjusting antimicrobial treatment in the co-occurrence of rounds. Methods: Clinical pharmacists participated in one case of hospital acquired pneumonia cases, together with the doctor to determine the choice of antibacterial drugs and the implementation of pharmaceutical services. Results: Pharmacists collaborative rounds of investigation, concerned about the course of disease development, history, medication history, use the correct antimicrobial drugs to cover suspicious pathogens and timely control of infection. Conclusion: The clinical pharmacists are involved in the drug treatment. Proposals for the use of antibacterials are proposed actively, and the pharmaceutical services are provided to patients and physicians to improve the quality of drug treatment.
综述了近几年苄基化反应固载型催化剂的研究进展情况,包括Al2 O3为载体的催化剂、硅胶为载体的催化剂、粘土为载体的催化剂、分子筛为载体的催化剂等,并指出了以分子筛为载体的
Objective: As a novel blood supply pattern, vasculogenic mimicry (VM) has attracted increasingly attention in re-cent years, which may partly compensate for the
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and ef iciency of combination of trastuzumab and che-motherapy as first line regimen in Her-2 overex
提出一种基于非下采样Shearlet变换(NSST )的各向异性双变量收缩函数的图像去噪算法。根据NSST不同尺度间系数的方差各向异性特性,在双变量收缩函数的基础上引入各向异性拉普拉
目的:建立温敏凝胶中尼美舒利的含量测定方法并考察其各种条件下的稳定性。方法:采用HPLC法,色谱柱为岛津Shim-Pack C18-ODS柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),甲醇-水-冰醋酸(65∶35
目的:建立荧光共振能量转移光谱法测定尿液中美罗培南的含量。方法:采用LS-55型荧光分光光度计,于10 ml比色管中,依次加入美罗培南溶液、荧光素溶液、曙红Y溶液、BR缓冲溶液
目的::考察不同生物黏附材料对氟尿嘧啶-羟丙基-β-环糊精包合物温敏凝胶剂粘附性及溶出度的影响。方法:以羟丙基甲基纤维素( HPMC)、海藻酸钠、透明质酸钠、卡波姆、聚卡波菲为