殷殷报国志 拳拳爱国心

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记者在湖南采访期间,专程看望了曾参加湖南和平起义将领、湖南省黄埔同学会原会长、现名誉会长黄克虎同志。黄老年近90高龄,身体尚好。他抚今追昔,感慨良多,言谈中充满了爱国之情和对祖国统一的企盼。他说,50年前,湖南和平解放,为粉碎蒋介石、白崇禧妄图划江而治、分裂中国的阴谋起了重要作用。50年来,我们在促进祖国统一大业的道路上迈出了重要的步伐,香港、澳门相继回归祖国后,解决台湾问题将更加迫切地摆到议事日程。不管在统一的道路上有多少艰难险阻,我们坚信,统一是大势所趋,人心所向,任何破坏统一、逆历史潮流而动的人,都将成为历史的罪人。我们黄埔同学要拿出当年东征北伐不怕 During an interview in Hunan, the reporter made a special trip to visit former commander of the peace uprising in Hunan and Huangpu fellow of Hunan Huangpu Collegiate Student Association, now Honorary President Huang Kehu. Huang aged nearly 90 years old, the body is still good. He recalls the past, feeling a lot, talk full of patriotism and the hope of reunification of the motherland. He said that 50 years ago, the peaceful liberation of Hunan played an important role in smashing Chiang Kai-shek and Pak Chong-hei in their vain attempt to control the river and split China. Over the past 50 years, we have made important strides in the path of promoting the great cause of reunifying the motherland. After Hong Kong and Macao have returned to the motherland one after another, resolving the Taiwan issue will be more urgently put on the agenda. Regardless of the difficulties and obstacles on the road to reunification, we firmly believe that reunification is the rule of the times and the will of the people. Anyone who destroys reunification and moves against the tide of history will become the criminal of history. We Whampoa students want to come up with the Northern Expedition was afraid
果园生草就是在果园播种豆科或禾本科植物,并定期刈割,覆盖于地面,让其自然分解腐烂,从而起到改增肥作用的一种土壤管理制度。 Orchard grass is in the orchard sowing le