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本刊从 2 0 0 3年第 6期开始举办“压路机的技术保养与故障排除”系列讲座 ,由徐工集团徐州工程机械制造厂原副总工程师尹继瑶高级工程师主讲。讲座内容紧密结合压路机的使用维修 ,深入浅出、突出实用 ,配以大量图表 ,帮助理解。讲座计划分 16讲 ,每期 1讲。第 1讲简要回顾压实机械的发展史并介绍压实机械的主要类型及其特点 ;自第 2讲起从压路机在使用过程中技术状况的变化谈起 ,从传动系统、液压系统、发动机、电气系统等各方面系统地讲述压路机的例行技术保养与常见故障排除方法。讲座既能满足工程承包商机务部门科学管理之所需 ,又可为设备制造商编制相关文件所参考。 From the sixth period in 2003, the magazine held “Lectures on Technical Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Rollers”. Lectures were delivered by Senior Engineer Yin Jiyao, former deputy chief engineer of XCMG Xuzhou Construction Machinery Manufacturing Plant. Lecture content in close connection with the use of roller maintenance, explain profound theories in simple language, prominent practical, with a large number of charts to help understand. The lecture program is divided into 16 lectures, each period of 1 lecture. Lecture 1 briefly review the history of compaction machinery and introduced the main types of compaction machinery and its characteristics; from the second talk about the changes in the technical status of the roller from the start, from the transmission system, hydraulic system, engine, Electrical systems and other aspects systematically about the road roller routine maintenance and common troubleshooting methods. The lecture can meet the needs of engineering contracting business department for scientific management, but also for the equipment manufacturers to prepare the relevant documents for reference.
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The personal casualty on the seaman employed abroad is one of the marine personal casualty conserning foreign affairs. The seaman himself and his family members
几欲提笔却又放下,起手踌躇间,一份凝重,一份沧桑,还有一份久违的感动。无法理清的思绪,夹杂着恍如昨日的往事,都化成脑海中一片一片的飞花,深情的奠基着那段曾经 Desire t