能追无尽景 始是不凡人——乔榛、丁建华黄金搭档30年

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在我国配音界,乔榛和丁建华这对“黄金响档”可谓珠联璧合。艺术上,两人配合默契,甚至彼此能读懂对方的眼神;生活中,相互关心和勉励,用丁建华的话说,我们曾是师生,但“乔大哥”与我情同兄妹。30多年的合作,书写着一段艺坛佳话。我与乔丁两位相识应有二十多年。记得乔榛当年出演我国第一部科幻电影《珊湖岛上的死光》,他饰演的青年科学家陈天虹富有气派的儒雅风度,温淳、深厚、圆润的音色,一时成为年轻人的偶像。剧中马太博士的扮演者是前辈话剧表演艺术家乔奇。有意思的是,当时两人电影合作后又在电视屏幕上不断露面,由此乔奇和乔榛是对父子的传闻在坊间不绝于耳。有天见到乔老爷(当时大家对乔奇的爱称),我忍不住说出巷间传闻,乐得乔老爷大笑说,搞错了,不过,我与乔榛关系确很好,一起主持节目,一起演出,很是投缘,情同父子。那时,乔榛住在嘉善路。有天文联组织去部队慰问演出,我奉命去接乔榛和丁建华。在车上,我将街巷有关传闻重说了一遍,乔榛笑道,我家乔老爷可不演话剧,是工程师,搞消防的。此后,乔丁两位毅然成为文联的“义干”人员,不论是下农村还是到部队,抑或义演等,时有两人的身影,需说明的是其中大多为没有报酬的公益活动。转眼快30年了,可往事依然历历在目。 In our dubbing world, Qiao Zhen and Ding Jianhua can be described as perfect match. Art, the two people cooperate with understanding, and even each other can read each other’s eyes; life, mutual concern and encouragement, with Ding Jianhua’s words, we were teachers and students, but “Joe big brother ” with my brother and sister. More than 30 years of cooperation, writing a section of art stories. I met Jordan and the two should have more than twenty years. I remember Qiao Zhen starred in China’s first science fiction movie “Dead Island on the island of dead”, he played the young scientist Chen Tianhong rich style refined style, Wen Chun, deep, rounded tone, and now become young idol. Dr Matthew plays the role of former playwright George Chok. Interestingly, when the two films were co-operation and then continue to appear on the television screen, which Georgie and Qiao Zhen is the rumors of his father and son in the news. One day I saw Joe Master (then everyone’s nickname for Jochi), I could not help but tell alleyways, laughing Master Joe laughed and made a mistake, but I really had a good relationship with Qiao Zhen. Host the show, perform together, it is cast, affectionate father and son. At that time, Joe Han live in Jiashan Road. ASTRI organizations to units to condolences performance, I was ordered to pick up Qiao Zhen and Ding Jianhua. In the car, I will repeat the rumors about the streets again, Qiao Zhen laughed, my master Joe can not play drama, is the engineer, engaged in fire prevention. Since then, Jordan two decided to become literary couplets “volunteer ” personnel, whether it is under the countryside or to the army, or charity, there are two figures at the time, to be described are most of them unpaid public service activities. Quickly 30 years later, the past is still vividly in sight.
孩子是父母的作品,但能够在精、气、神上向孩子传达出自己的灵魂和爱意,孩子能够自然而然地接受父辈的期许和愿望,通常只有大师才能完成。 Children are the works of their