
来源 :铁路标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingbottle
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五、群柱的纵向抗震性能在设柱间支撑的纵列柱,由于柱撑的刚度比群柱大很多,全部纵向地震力集中到柱撑开间内,致使柱撑压曲,柱撑开间柱局部区剪切破坏。实际震害的调查表明,不少未设柱间支撑的厂房,即采用群柱的抗震方案,震后柱破坏较少。因此不少人认为,对厂房不高,吊车吨位不大的车间,从抗震角度应尽量不设柱间支撑为宜。为了从理论上分析群柱的抗震性能,通过方案1的厂房(8度Ⅱ类土)计算来说明。由于车间纵列柱的刚度均相等,故在单位力作用于1点时,在1点和2点的水平变位各柱相等。在2点无作用力,故虚线所示的吊车梁水平撑杆在各柱间无相对位移,也无伸长缩短,内力为零,于是可简化为一个自由度的单 Longitudinal seismic performance of group columns In columns with columns supported by columns, the stiffness of the columns is much larger than that of the group columns. All longitudinal seismic forces are concentrated in the pillars, resulting in buckling and pillars Local area shear damage. The investigation of the actual earthquake damage shows that many of the workshops that do not have column support, that is, the quake-resistance scheme of the quarry column, have less damage to the post-quake column. Therefore, many people think that the plant is not high, the crane tonnage of the workshop, from the seismic point of view should try not to set up column support is appropriate. In order to theoretically analyze the seismic performance of a group of columns, it is illustrated by the calculation of plant 1 (8 ° Class Ⅱ soil) in Scheme 1. Because of the stiffness of the workshop column columns are equal, so in the unit force acting on 1:00, at 1 point and 2:00 horizontal displacement of each column equal. No action at 2 o’clock, so the horizontal beam of the crane girder indicated by the dotted line has no relative displacement among the columns, no elongation and shortening, no internal force, so it can be simplified as a single degree of freedom
二划人体脂肪,含量,水位移法:122儿童 ,缺铁性贫血,调查研究:了3 ,铁强化食品的效果:85儿童营养,专业组工作简报:117,方法学研究:197,含量分析,市售蔬菜和水果,沈阳:373,含量
先将榕树树桩附生在石头上面,石头放在水盆中,水能沿着石头的毛细孔供应植物需要。如果不 First banyan stump attached to the top of the stone, the stone in the basin