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中小企业与国有企业相比,有许多不可替代的优势和特点。但是中小企业在市场竞争和发展中却处于劣势,中小企业发展出路何在,值得我们反省和深思。 一、中小企业发展中面临的 困境及原因分析 (一)政府宏观管理体制滞后,对中小企业扶持力度不够。 一是政府宏观管理体制滞后,对中小企业发展没有足够的、科学的规划措施。中小企业一般都由乡镇企业和个体私营企业发展而来,在企业管 Compared with state-owned enterprises, SMEs have many irreplaceable advantages and characteristics. However, small and medium-sized enterprises are at a disadvantage in market competition and development. Where is the development of SMEs, it is worth our reflection and reflection. First, the plight of small and medium-sized development and the reasons for the development of (a) the government lags behind the macro-management system, SME support is not enough. First, the government's macro management system lags behind, and there is not enough and scientifically planned measures for the development of SMEs. Small and medium enterprises are generally developed by township and village enterprises and individual and private enterprises in the enterprise management
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由传统的教学向现代教学转变,由封闭的教学向开放的教学转变,不但是新《普通高中语文课程标准》的要求,而且更是当今时代发展的需要。只有实施开放性的教学,才能培养出开放性社会所需的开拓创新的人才。下面拟就语文课教学的开放性谈谈个人的粗浅认识和体会。    一、教育教学内容是开放的    传统的教学观认为,教材(主要是指教科书)是课堂唯一的教学资源,教师的课堂教学活动必须紧紧围绕着教材进行,“忠于教材”、
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在日常生活中,我们经常会看到可爱的小狗、猫咪等动物,但有时会突然遭遇它们的袭击,让你防不胜防。这里教你被小动物咬伤后的处理方法。 In everyday life, we often see cu
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本文介绍了青海站 1 3.7米射电望远镜上 3mm振荡器恒温电路的改进情况。新的恒温电路有别于原来所使用的恒温电路的工作方式。实际使用证明 ,该电路性能可靠 ,显著提高了系统