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所谓集纳,不仅仅是拿米和汇集,更主要的是集合众人的东西,融会贯通,纳为已有。深圳历史上是一个边陲小镇,“固定资产”里的文化存量很少:到文革时期已十分荒凉落后,“活期存折”里的文化几近空白。严格地说深圳特区文化与深圳历史文化基本没什么联系,是从一张白纸开始的。正是一张白纸,可画最新最美的图画,而深圳人也确实画出了又新又美的图画,集纳就是最主要的画法。 The so-called JNA, not just to take rice and pooling, the more important thing is to gather all things, mastery, as satisfied. The history of Shenzhen is a border town, “fixed assets ” in the small amount of cultural heritage: to the Cultural Revolution has been very desolate, “passbook ” in the culture is almost empty. Strictly speaking, the culture of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has little connection with Shenzhen’s history and culture, starting with a piece of blank paper. It is a piece of white paper that draws the latest and most beautiful pictures, while the people of Shenzhen really draw new and beautiful pictures, and Jaina is the most important painting method.
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《泰山道里记》的作者聂钅文生于清康熙五十四年 ( 1715 ) ,卒于嘉庆初年 ( 1796后 )。年轻时在泰安府衙应差 ,30岁后退居泰山。他自年轻时便热爱故乡泰山的历史文化 ,亲自踏
“两会”召开之际,最高人民法院院长肖扬接受了本刊记者的专访,介绍了人民法院一年来为改革、发展、稳定提供有力的司法保障的情况。 肖扬说,全国法院去年的主要工作突出表