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近日,全国党建研究会科研院所专委会2013年度课题成果交流暨一届六次全委会在中国水利水电科学研究院召开。全国党建研究会副会长卢先福应邀出席会议并作重要讲话。中央纪委驻中科院纪检组原组长、中科院党建工作领导小组副组长、专委会主任委员王庭大,中科院党组成员、京区党委书记、专委会副主任委员何岩出席会议。中科院、中国农业科学院、中国林业科学院、中国水科院等14家专委会委员单位的有关领 Recently, the National Party Building Research Institute of Research Institute of the special committee 2013 results exchange and a session of the six committees held in China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research. Lv Xianfu, vice chairman of the National Party Building Research Association, was invited to attend the conference and make an important speech. He is the former head of the Discipline Inspection Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the deputy head of the Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for Discipline Inspection and the chairman of the special committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He Yan, party member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, secretary of the party committee of Beijing region and vice chairman of the special committee attended the meeting. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China Hydrology Institute and other 14 members of the Committee of the relevant units
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这是2014年9月下旬作者在贵州遵义县召开的苟坝会议学术研讨会上的主旨发言,本次发表略作修改。 This is the keynote address by the author at the Goba meeting in Zunyi
介绍了印度地震活动性研究概况,内容包括:研究机构、历史地震研究、地震观测系统和数据处理、地震活动特征与地震预报研究,以及区域地震研究。 This paper introduces the s