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我们供销系统对农产品预购定金的发放,一直是由银行下达计划指标,经公社,大队分配后,再由企业发放到生产队。这种方法,在过去以生产队为单位独立核算、集体交售农副产品的情况下,比较适宜。随着农业生产责任制的实行,农村商品生产和农副产品交售方式都发生了显著的变化,如仍按老办法发放预购定金,显然不合形势发展的要求。预购定金的发放由银行分配指标,是一种平均主义的分配办法,不能满足专业户、重点户的需要。由于定金发放的层次,多往往带来行政干预,如我县1983年银 Our supply and marketing system for the distribution of agricultural products pre-deposit payment has been issued by the bank plan targets, the commune, brigades assigned, and then issued by the company to the production team. This kind of method, in the past, used the production team as a unit to independently account for the case of collective sales of agricultural and sideline products, which is more appropriate. With the implementation of the responsibility system for agricultural production, significant changes have taken place in the production of rural commodities and the sale of agricultural and sideline products. For example, the issuance of advance deposits in accordance with the old method apparently does not meet the requirements of the development of the situation. The issuance of pre-deposit payment by banks to allocate indicators, is an egalitarian distribution method, can not meet the needs of specialized households, key households. Due to the level of deposit payment, more often bring administrative intervention, such as my county in 1983 silver
米醋中除含有l—5%草酸外,还含有一定量的乳酸、氨基酸、糖及多种盐类,能刺激和调节作物生长.据试验,用优质米醋400—500倍液在葡萄开花期、浆果膨大期. In addition to vi
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樟网圆蚧Pseudaonidia duplexCockerell1897,属盾蚧科Diaspidid-ae,圆蚧族Aspidiotini,网盾蚧属。为山东新记录。是分布广、寄主杂、危害严重的蚧虫。近十几年在山东越来越
侧柏毒峨[Parocneria furva(Lech]是我市侧柏的主要食叶害虫。据1983年调查,全市6处国营林场4万多亩侧柏林均普遍发生,其中严重的近2万亩,虫株率达100%,虫口密度平均146头/株