
来源 :浙江农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whywhywhy_why
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作者研究了梨的5个杂交组合266株杂种实生苗的首次结果部位及其与亲本品种的遗传关系,结果表明: 1.梨实生苗从幼年阶段过渡到成年阶段的转折点发生在树冠上一定的空间高度,本文称转折点至根颈的枝干长度为童程。成年实生苗在童区范围内仍然保持着童性。 2.童程的高低与实生苗生长势的强弱有关,并且受亲本遗传物质的制约。亲本为强势品种,则杂种株型高,童程相应也高。亲本为弱势品种,则杂种株型较矮,童程也相应较低。 3.实生苗的童程与结果的起始层次有关。童程低,结果的起始层次也低,童程高,结果的起始层次相应也高。 4.同一组合早结果的实生苗比晚结果的实生苗童程低,不同组合童期短的群体比童期长的群体童程低,说明童期与童程的一致性。 5.首次结果的杂种实生苗果实在树冠上不同层次的分布有一定的规律,第二层的结果量最多,说明第二层是从童期转向成年期的关键,以及它对实生苗提早结果的重要性。 The author studied 266 pear hybrid five-hybrid seedlings of the first results of the site and its genetic relationship with the parental varieties, the results showed that: 1 pear seedlings transition from infancy to adulthood turning point occurred in the canopy of a certain Space height, this article said the turning point to the root of the neck length of the Tong Cheng. Adult seedlings still maintain their childhood in the area of ​​children’s playgrounds. The level of child process is related to the strength of seedling growing potential and is restricted by the genetic material of the parent. Parents as a strong breed, then the hybrid plant type, Tong Cheng corresponding high. The parents of the disadvantaged species, the hybrid plant type shorter, child-related lower corresponding. 3. Seedling child process and the initial level of the results. Childhood low, the initial level of results is also low, child-high, the corresponding high starting level. The results of the same combination of early seedlings of seedlings than the results of the late results of low births, different combinations of short children than the children of the group of children with a low level of children, indicating the consistency of childhood and child process. 5. The results of hybrid seedlings of the first results in the canopy at different levels of the distribution of certain rules, the second highest level of results, indicating that the second layer is the key from childhood to adulthood, and its early results on seedlings The importance of
开了春,安安的鼻子下就一直挂着两道鼻涕,好不容易止住了,没几天,又成了老样子。宝宝老是感冒,人也瘦了很多,还经常咳嗽,安安妈那个着急啊    频频感冒不奇怪    婴幼儿经常感冒并不奇怪,这是因为其免疫系统的发育尚未健全,为此,不但容易感冒而且症状也会拖得比较久,常常这一次感冒才复原,下一次感冒又接踵而至。  感冒宝宝的康复需要一个过程,积极地看病吃药有时也不能加快康复的速度。为此,父母学习一些减
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从单位退下来后,休闲的时间多了,人反而没有在单位工作时精神。感冒不断缠身事小,体检时又查出了高血脂、心动过速等毛病。想想“动则健,动则活,动则通畅,动则益寿延年”的养生观点,确实有道理。在单位一天两个来回骑车以及工作时的奔波都是一种运动,现在除了买菜做饭就是在电视前打发时光了。看来还是要运动运动,但选择什么样的运动方法好呢?  一天,老姐妹上门聊天,我与她谈起了运动的事,她兴奋地推荐我“刷浴健身”