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棉花是由胚珠表皮细胞经过起始、伸长、次生加厚和成熟四个完全不同但又部分重叠的发育阶段发育而成的单细胞纤维,在此过程中,纤维细胞伸长了1000~3000倍。细胞骨架的重排及其动态变化为细胞的快速扩张提供网络结构支撑,运送营养物质和进行信号传递。因此,细胞骨架是棉花纤维发育重要分子机制之一。李氏无纤维(Ligon lintless-1:Li-1)是一种超短纤维突变体,纤维细胞过早退化并停止伸长,是研究棉花纤维伸长机制的理想材料。本实验室曾以Li-1和其野生型的近等基因系TM-1(WT)为材料,分
Single crystal Bi0. 19MoO3 has been grown by fused salt electrolytic technique. X-ray powder diffraction shows thatthe unit cell parameters are: a=1.9985nm, b=0
Frequency catastrophe is found in a cell Ca2+ nonlinear oscillation model with time delay. The relation of the frequency transition to the time delay is studied
Piezoresistive cantilevers with dimensions of 200 × 50 × 1.8μm3 have been fabricated from polycrystalline silicon using reactive ion etching (RIE) and back e
Trapping force of an optical tweezers system with an oil immersion objective is calculated with a ray-optics model.Results indicate that the trapping force will
The spectral hardening with increasing intensity in optical range for four BL Lac objects have been found by analyzing our observed data. Making use of the syn
The potential model method for computation of Stark structure of Cs Rydberg states atoms and oscillator strength is described,for exteal electric fields varying
The thermally assisted resonant tunnelling in a single crystal (Mn0.96Cr0.04)12-ac is studied in this paper. The obtained hysteresis loops at seven different te
The density dependence of the line shift of the cesium D2 line is studied with sub-Doppler selective reflection spectroscopy. By use of wavelength modulation an
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是中国重要的粮食作物之一,高产和优质是小麦育种的重要目标。穗发芽不仅影响产量,而且严重影响小麦的品质和种用价值。种子活力可以反映种子萌发和幼