
来源 :河北师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bynlxd
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Faulkner was a towering figure in American literature during the first half of the 20thcentury. With Ernest Hemingwayo he is usually considered one of the two greatest Americannovelists of his era. Faulkner was particularly noted for the eloquent richness of his prosestyle and for the unique blend of tragedy and humor in his works. His novels have a stunningemotional impact and his characters are highly memorable. The dramatic force and vividnessof Faulkners best work is unsurpassed in modem fiction. Faulkner often described himself as "just a farmer who likes to tell stories." His style,however, was that of a consummately skilled craftsman. His luxuriant prose style andcomplicated plot structure make some of his works difficult to read. Although he wrote almostexclusively about the South he was not a regional novelist, instead examining universalthemes of concern to all humanity. The Sound and the Fury, published in 1929, his fourth novel and is considered his firstmasterpiece and finest novel. Set in Mississippi during the early decades of the twentieth century, The Sound and theFury tells the tumultuous story of the Compson familys gradual deterioration. The novel isdivided into four sections. At the center of the novel is the brothers sister, Caddy Compson. Faulkner is a master in using contrast. This thesis is intended to discuss his art of contrastin The Sound and the Fury in three chapters. Chapter one deals with contrast in episodes;second part discusses contrast in characters; third part is about contrast in structure andimagery. His use of contrast effectively adds a depth to the individual characters and theirstory and the themes of the novel.
我国电厂热工自动化技术经历了从无到有,从弱到强的变化.本文首先总结和分析了电厂热工自动化的现状,随后探讨了控制系统优化、 现场总线、 数字化、 集中化和智能化等技术,
实行汽车召回制度,既有利于广大消费者,又有利于汽车企业,还有利于我国汽车工业总体的发展,故汽车召回制度的实施势在必行。 The implementation of the car recall system
1 目的意义rn通过国际合作,扩展我国极地考察的空间范围和考察的深度,提升我国的极地考察与研究水平以及后勤保障能力,增进国际合作与交流,维护和扩大我国的极地权益和国际影
在隔震支座发展过程中,学者根据各类难题,提出解决方法,设计了合适的支座模型.摩擦摆和多功能支座适用于桥梁隔震,铅芯橡胶、 高阻尼橡胶和滑动支座等适用于建筑隔震,在现代
托马斯·沃尔夫(Thomas Wolfe)是美国二十世纪最伟大的作家之一。在短短二十年的创作生涯中,他先后创作了四部长篇小说、三十二篇短篇小说以及多部戏剧作品。《天使,望故乡》