Quantitative determination of four Sudan dyes in rat plasma with solid-phase extraction and UFLC-MS/

来源 :中国毒理学会第六届全国毒理学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:holight123
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  OBJECTIVE To develop and validate for the simultaneous determination of four Sudan dyes (Sudan Ⅰ , Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and SudanⅣ) in rat plasma for the first time, based on the ultrafast liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UFLC-MS/MS) method coupled with solidphase extraction (SPE) procedure in order to reduce the complex matrix interferences and enrich the analytes.METHODS 30 rats were randomly assigned to five groups (blank edible oil group, Sudan Ⅰ group, Sudan Ⅱ group, Sudan Ⅲ group, and SudanⅣ group) with six rats (3 males and 3 females)each.Sudan dyes (Sudan Ⅰ , Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and SudanⅣ) were separately dissolved in 10 mg·ml-1 edible oil and administered via a single oral (po) dose of 50.0 mg·kg-1 to Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats.Approximately 20.0 μl of the rat blood sample (at 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, and 40.0 min and 1.0, 1.5,2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 24.0 h post-dosing for Sudan Ⅰ and Sudan Ⅱ;whereas 1.0, 2.0,3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, 15.0, 20.0, 32.0 and 48.0 h post-dosing for Sudan Ⅲ and Sudan Ⅳ) was collected immediately centrifuged and cleaned using Cleanert C18 mixed-mode polymeric sorbent.Quantification was performed by an electrospray ionization source in the positive multiple reaction monitoring mode using D5-Sudan Ⅰ as the internal standard compensated for any matrix effect variability,including extraction and ionization variations.RESULTS The pharmacokinetic results demonstrate that Sudan Ⅰ , Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and SudanⅣ reached the maximum point in the plasma drug concentration of rats at about 0.6046, 1.362, 4.196 and 4.341 h after oral administration, respectively.The concentration decreased gradually with an elimination half-life (t1/2) of 0.8374, 1.8102, 2.3909 and 2.364 h for Sudan Ⅰ, Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and Sudan Ⅳ, respectively.The absorption rate constants (ka) of Sudan Ⅰ , Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and SudanⅣ were 3.996, 1.393, 0.4368 and 0.4395 1/h, which were significantly greater than their elimination rate constants (ke) of 0.8277, 0.3829, 0.2899, and 0.29321/h, respectively.The four Sudan dyes were easily absorbed and quickly accessible to the loop body of the SD rats.The phenomenon of rapid absorption possibly involves the specific and lipophilic chemical properties of the four Sudan dyes.Given the double phospholipid compositions of the cell membrane of the rat, the lipophilic Sudan dyes successfully and rapidly accessed the organic body.These results were in accordance with the maximum blood concentrations achieved at 630.91, 696.26, 349.39 and 1304.61 μg· L-1 for Sudan Ⅰ , Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and SudanⅣ, respectively.The areas under the concentration-time curve (AUC0-∞) of Sudan Ⅰ , Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, and Sudan Ⅳ were 1150.03,2966.66, 2706.37 and 10 013.91 μg· h-1· L-1, which also indicated the high bioavailability of the four analytes.CONCLUSION The successful application of the UFLC-MS/MS method to the pharmacokinetic study of four Sudan dyes suggested its suitability and sufficiency for use in pharmacokinetic studies.
In some cases, it may be possible to predict the toxicokinetic behavior (ADME) of a substance by considering its physicochemical properties as well as relevant toxicity data, such as data from a serie
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目的 灵敏度高,操作简单快速的LC-MS/MS分析方法,研究纳曲酮十一碳酸酯前体化合物在兔体内的代谢动力学过程.方法 1)血浆样品预处理方法:取血浆0.1 ml置于10 ml的具塞玻璃试管中,加入内标纳洛酮(200 ng·ml-1)5 μl,加入10 μl 0.1 mol·L-1的NaOH溶液,涡旋振荡1 min后,加甲基叔丁基醚2 ml,涡旋振荡2 min,于1500 rpm离心10 min,分
目的 本试验通过Beagle犬静脉重复4周注射一类新药B-01,评价毒理研究试验方案合理性,阐明其全身暴露量与毒性剂量及毒性反应关系.方法 Beagle犬,剂量100,300和900 mg· kg-1,给药途径为静脉滴注,给药速度为0.33 ml· kg-1·min-1,60 min输完,给药频率1次/天,连续4周.在首次和末次给药的药前和输注结束后0 min,30 min,1h,2h,4h,8h
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目的 建立测定大鼠血浆中香兰素衍生物浓度的高效液相色谱法,并应用于药代动力学研究.方法 雄性SD大鼠灌胃给予香兰素衍生物70 mg·kg-1.采用高效液相色谱法测定香兰素衍生物的血药浓度,以香草醛为内标,流动相为甲酸-水溶液(0.1∶100,V/V),色谱柱为安捷伦ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18柱(2.1 mm ×50 mm,5 μm);进样量为10 μl,流速为40 μl· mi
目的 建立具有较强实用性的以大鼠为受试生物的外源化学物质体内代谢动力学非同位素标记检测法。方法 ①受试物染毒技术:灌胃、吸入、静脉注射等方法对代谢实验的针对性改良;②体内吸收分布代谢排泄追踪技术:血液、胆汁、尿液、粪便、组织样本收集技术方法的建立、适用性验证及方法学比较研究;③样本检测技术:GC-MS,LC-MS等方法在典型受试物检测中的方法校正和条件标化。结果 ①注射器法与注射器联合静脉输液针法
目的 建立一种稳定、高效的原代小鼠肝细胞分离、纯化与培养方法。方法 在传统的两步胶原酶灌流法的基础上进行5个方面的优化和改进,包括将门静脉正向灌流改为下腔静脉逆向灌流、将持续灌注改为间断灌注、灌注胶原酶时将门静脉近心端夹闭、根据小鼠体重严格限制胶原酶的消化时间以及将分离的肝细胞悬液进行Percoll单密度梯度低速离心纯化。肝细胞活力和得率用台盼蓝染色法进行检测。将分离后的肝细胞分别采用单层胶原培养