Quantified Research on the Effects of Accomplished Teacher in Nobel Prize Winners in Physics

来源 :第八届科学计量学与大学评价国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxxwmb
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  When studied on effects of accomplished teachers in Nobel Prize winners between 1901 and 2012, we discovered that whether or not under a Nobel laureate master is not significantly correlated with the attribute of the research works of the future prize winners, but significantly negative correlated with the age of the prize obtained, the age of highest educational degree obtained and the age of the research discovery obtained of the future Nobel laureates.After further analysis, we confirmed that the length of relationship between the apprentices and their tutors in Nobel Prize winners (Length (A-M) in short) and the four primary indicators mentioned above are highly correlated on 0.01 level.As for the first indicator, the correlation is 0.170, a high positive correlation.For the last three indicators (the age of the prize obtained, the age of highest educational degree obtained and the age of the research discovery obtained of the future laureate), the figures would decrease 0.274 years, 2.557 years and 2.892 years respectively with every extension of the relationship step.By contrast to many related research results which indicated that Nobel winners, the age of the research discovery obtained, the age of highest educational degree obtained and the age of the prize obtained all have been stable increasing with time, our analysis also implied a time variable and the conclusion totally opposite highlights our final analysis conclusion.In other words, the future Nobel laureates could get their highest diploma, their great research achievements and the Nobel Prize for less time in the guide of an accomplished tutor.
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