Second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for orthogonal and symplectic groups and their quantu

来源 :The XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Metho | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zl74531
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  Let G be the orthogonal group O(V) or the symplectic group Sp(V).Brauer showed in 1937 that there is a surjective algebra homomorphism from the Brauer algebra of degree r to EndG(V(X)r).However the kernel of this homomorphism remained elusive.We show that the kernel is generated by a single idempotent element E,and give simple explicit formulae for E.We also discuss generalisation of the results to the corresponding quantum groups and orthosymplectic supergroups.This is joint work with Gus Lehrer.
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在古老厚重、人才辈出的苏北平原,近年来升起一颗耀眼的建筑开发新星。他就是年仅34岁的铜山县房管局副局长、开发公司(江苏金广厦集团)总经理杜长海。 品牌经营:凸现居住文化理念
贝尔实验室是美国朗讯科技公司研究与开发高科技产品的科研机构, 研究内容涉及晶体管、激光、UNIX、C/C+ + 、数字计算机、通信卫星、太阳能电池和移动电话等方面, 是全球著名重大发现的
由于现代制造技术的发展,机械油在制造业和其它工业领域的用量正在急剧增加, 然而机械油随着机械设备的运行周期的延长,不可避免会发生劣化变质, 成为有碍和谐发展的污染源.
  We characterize a class of Markovian dynamics using the concept of divisible dynamical map.Moreover we provide a family of criteria which can distinguish Ma
  Superintegrable systems with second order constants of the motion have been extensively studied and all such systems in 3D Euclidean space are known.This ta