Wrist Pulse Diagnosis Using Complex Network

来源 :中国中西医结合学会第八届全国诊断学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:r54321
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  Pulse signal contains important information about health status and pulse diagnosis has been extensively applied in oriental medicine.In recent years more and more research interests have been given on computerized pulse diagnosis.Pulse feature extraction plays an important role in computerized pulse diagnosis.The most popular pulse feature extraction methods can be grouped into two categories, i.e.time domain feature extraction method and frequency domain feature extraction method.The pulse signal is a pseudo periodic signal while the common feature extraction methods usually assume it is a periodic signal and only a typical period or an averaged period was used in the feature extraction, while the difference between periods was less emphasized.in this paper we use complex network to transform the pulse signal from time domain to network domain and use the statistics parameters which describe the organization of the complex network as the features to characterize the difference between pulse periods.The experiment shows that the complex network features are useful in characterizing the relationship between different pulse periods the diagnosis performance on diabetes are similar with the multi scale sample entropy.By combining complex network features with sample entropy features, higher diagnosis performance can be further obtained.
MPX滤波器(MPX filter)指在有些调谐器和录音座上加装的一个开关。用于接通19kHz的滤波器,以便能滤掉电台在播放FM(调频)信号时的19kHz导频音。当用录音座来录音时,MPX滤波
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据新华社电,第82届巴黎国际发明展览会5月8日下午获奖展品颁奖,我国参展的28项新发明产品共获得了12枚银牌和12枚铜牌。其中获银牌的项目有广州房永兴的血压安。 According
目的:研究老年内科病房发生院内感染的发生率和影响因素,为临床医院感染的控制及临床治疗提供依据. 方法:以出院患者病历为依据,采用回顾性调查方法,比较2011年1月1日~2014年
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