Effects of Grafting on Ethylene Biosynthesis and Related Enzyme mRNA Expression in Muskmelon Fruits

来源 :1st ISHS International Symposium on Vegetable Grafting(ISVG2 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingming7978
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In recent years, grafting has been widely used in the production of muskmelon due to the potential for high yields and disease-resistant fruit, although this practice may also cause lowered fruit quality and delayed fruit ripening.Muskmelon is a climacteric fruit and thus fruit ripening is closely related to ethylene production.So studying the effects of grafting on ethylene synthesis and related gene expression during muskmelon fruit ripening period is of great significance to clarify the physiological and molecular mechanism of grafted muskmelon fruit maturity.
蓑荷(Zingiber mioga Rosc.)是一种药、食两用的珍稀特色蔬菜.蓑荷的花轴为穗状花序,是主要食用部分.每年7-8月份花轴不断地从植株基部生出,由于采收期短,且多集中在高温多雨季节,因此,蓑荷贮运保鲜较为困难.本研究中着重考察不同贮藏温度对蓑荷采后生理和品质的影响,旨在筛选出适宜的贮藏温度,为蓑荷的贮藏保鲜提供理论基础和科学依据.
河套蜜瓜(Cucumis meloL.Hetao)属厚皮甜瓜,是内蒙古河套地区优良地方品种,其果实甘甜爽口,香气浓郁.研究库源调控特性为阐明河套蜜瓜果实品质形成机制提供重要依据.试验材料取自内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市农业科学院河套蜜瓜示范田.2011年5月9日播种,出苗后正常管理,双蔓整枝.6月24日开花,于开花当天选择同株两蔓长势一致,花期和节位相同的雌花挂牌标记,自然授粉.在果实迅速膨大期(授粉后
大花卷丹(Lilium leichtlinii var.maximowiczii)又叫山百合,山丹花,为百合科百合属球根花卉.大花卷丹室外鳞片扦插繁殖温湿度不易控制,影响成活率.室内鳞片繁殖温度湿度容易控制,能满足鳞片繁殖的环境条件.本试验中从室内温度、湿度及鳞片大小对其繁殖的影响进行探讨,以提高繁殖率并扩大规模.
Grafted melons and cucurbits cultivation has been developing in the world, in recent years.So, macro-element in leaves and fruits of Khatooni, Zardjalaliand Ananasi melon and Samsuri and Savemuskmelon
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