Synthesis and characterization of silsesquioxane-cored star-shaped hybrid polymer via \\"graf

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Organic/inorganic hybrid polymers have been widely studied for their potential use in nanocontainers and nanocarriers.In this article,one star-shaped hybrid polymer,polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(POSS) grafted poly(N,N-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)(POSS-g-PDMA),was synthesized via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization(RAFT).The pH stimuli-responsive character of POSS-g-PDMA in aqueous solution were also studied. Organic / inorganic hybrid polymers have been widely studied for their potential use in nanocontainers and nanocarriers. In this article, one star-shaped hybrid polymer, polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) grafted poly (N, N- -g-PDMA), was synthesized via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT). The pH stimuli-responsive character of POSS-g-PDMA in aqueous solution were also studied.
With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University,Prof.Wang Enbo,Prof.Li Yangguan
We have studied the structural and optical properties of semi-fluorinated bilayer graphene using density functional theory. When the interlayer distance is 1.62
火娃、虚娃,火娃和虚娃体质不同,一年四季的调理重点也存在很大区别。  体质划分,阴阳为准  体质是身体的素质特征,缘于机体脏腑、经络、气血、阴阳的偏颇而形成,表现为形体、性情、功能状态、疾病倾向等方面相对稳定的规律性。传统中医遵守阴阳平衡的原则,以阴、阳失衡的多少来划分,基本健康的属阴阳平和体质,阴阳失衡的有偏寒湿虚弱的阴人、偏燥热壮实的阳人,再可按失衡的轻重细分为太阴、少阴、太阳、少阳,还可再加
This paper reported the crystal growth and spectroscopy characters of Cr3+:Li2Mg2(MoO4)3.The refractive index of Cr3+:Li2Mg2(MoO4)3 crystal is 1.87 and the hard