Transplanting an old trees using lifesoil:A Case Study

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littleycy
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  There are about 12,000 conservation trees which are old,big and rare enough to be protected by the central or local governments in Korea.Although it is not common,transplanting important old trees in critical situations due to urbanization and industrialization is necessary.The previous methods of transplanting trees required strong pruning for controlling the T/R balance and large root ball usually two to five times of the stem diameter.Nonetheless the method could not prevent the old trees from death.As a result the death rates of the transplanted old trees were close to 100%.A new method using Lifesoil which is a peat-based soil material was introduced to transplant a 750 year old Yong-Gye gingko tree (Gingko biboba L.,National Monument No.175).This paper explains how the 750 year old tree was transplanted to a position which is 17m higher than the original position over a 36 month period.The main differences between previous and new method are light pruning-about 15% of the branch,reducing root ball size to 1.5 times of stem diameter and helping photosynthesis to promote the growth of new roots.The transplanting was successful.It took about a year to growth new roots.Further study on peat-based soil materials with new enzymes will be carried out to enhance new root development in the future.
  Urban soil is important in protecting urban environment and in improving urban ecology.Recently many cities in the world often have flood in the rainy seaso
【摘 要】王河煤矿主采太原组一1煤层,其直接顶板为太原组L1—2灰岩,岩溶裂隙较发育,富水性较强。一1煤层底板下 2.7-33m分布有奥灰含水层,岩溶十分发育,富水性极强,承压水头高,富含岩溶水。因一1煤层底板隔水层薄厚不匀,威胁一1煤安全开采的主要含水层是一1煤层底板的奥灰含水层。在薄隔水层下对奥灰含水层采取主动注浆加固堵水技术,使奥灰含水层变为相对隔水层,确保采掘安全。  【关键词】薄隔水层;
麻核桃是核桃与核桃楸的天然杂种 ,树冠高大 ,树姿开张 ,枝条光滑呈灰黄色 ,老龄后呈白色。叶片为羽状复叶 ,小叶 7~ 1 3片 ,长椭圆形 ,叶缘少有锯齿或近全缘。小叶长 1 0~1 5cm
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