Measurements of Acoustical Physical Constants for Ca3Nb(Ga0.75Al0.25) 3Si2O14 Single Crystal Using t

来源 :2015两岸超声技术与医学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Melaniemei
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Background, Motivation and Objective Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 [CNGS] single crystal has attractive features such as higher electro-mechanical coupling factors, no phase transition up to melting point around 1300℃, comparable temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF), and smaller impedance as compared to quartz. Therefore, CNGS is one of promising piezoelectric materials for combustion sensor and small-size oscillator with low electrical consumption. Recently, however, prices of raw materials composed of rare elements are rising because of an increase of their demands for various applications and there is an attempt to reduce usages of such rare elements in various fields. Especially, Ga2O3 powder is extremely expensive among composing elements of CNGS. In the case of La3Ta0.5Ga5.5O14 [LTG] crystal, on the other hand, there were some reports about Al doping to Ga site in the LTG crystal and the Al doping improved some piezoelectric properties such as electrical resistivity and piezoelectric constant. So we have tried to grow Al-doped CNGS crystal by the Czochralski method resulting in successful growth of 1 inch Ca3Nb(Ga0.75Al0.25) 3Si2O14 [CNGAS] bulk crystal.
目的 通过对《健康体检自测问卷》在全国健康管理(体检)机构的受检者健康状况及慢病风险因素的调查分析,探讨其适宜性及使用价值.方法 首先完成对《健康体检自测问卷》进行移动可视化设计开发,采用该移动可视化健康自测量表对全国16家健康管理中心的30327样本进行线上网络化调查,统一数据上传和数据清洗,并进行统计分析.结果 1、95.0%的受调查者认为本可视适宜可行,总体反应较好;2、39.1%的受调查者
1、病例报告:患者,女性,35岁,对母女来做遗传咨询:6 岁女孩因身材矮小,无月经来潮就诊.查体:身高140cm,体重42.5kg,无月经史,无家族遗传病史,父母无近亲结婚史.彩超示:幼稚子宫.外周血淋巴细胞培养:染色体核型为45,X( 见附图).骨密度提示重度骨质疏松;有Turner综合症病史,长期,口服克龄蒙1片,1/日21日/月,停药7天再服,目前骨质疏松较明显,口服阿伦膦酸钠70mg,1/
Hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase 2B1(SULT2B1) sulfates cholesterol and oxysterols.Hepatic oval cells(HOCs),thought to be progenitor cells,can be triggered in chemical-injured livers.
目的:胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)是一种1 型糖尿病治疗热点靶位自抗原.但是,GFAP 自抗体与1 型糖尿病表型之间的关联仍然不清楚.经过对GFAP 自抗体效能评估,我们筛选出了适当的GFAP 抗原序列并设计新型多肽疫苗对于1 型糖尿病预防和治疗.结果:我们发现在1 型糖尿病模型(NOD)小鼠,GFAP 自抗体与空腹C 多肽分泌呈负相关趋势.17 周龄的NOD小鼠中阳性GFAP 自抗体能呈周龄依赖
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