Impact of Traffic Regulation on Lane Flow-Distribution and Capacity of Motorways

来源 :第五届交通运输领域国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leosky_001
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The distribution of traffic flow in the individual lanes on multilane motorways is an important problem in traffic engineering. The lane flow-distribution directly affects the total capacity of the motorway. Because of different regulations such as "Keep in Lane" which is quiet common in North America and "Commandment of Driving on Right and Prohibition of Overtaking on Right" which applies broadly in Europe, the lane flow-distribution is different from country to country. The regulation regarding speed limits can affect the lane flow-distribution and therefore the capacity. This paper presents a set of representative examples of lane flow-distributions for motorways with two and three lanes in each direction. The results here show significant difference in lane flow-distributions between motorways in Germany and in North America. It also shows that the average capacity of motorways in North America is higher than that in Germany. One of the main reasons for this is the difference in the lane flow-distribution. The investigation shows that the two types of regulations for traffic on motorways have both advantages and disadvantages. The result here can be the basis for a useful recommendation to the Chinese policy makers in setting up regulations for motorway design and operation.
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