Antennapedia is involved in the development of thoracic legs and segmentation in the silkworm, Bomby

来源 :中国”西南地区农业动物种质资源挖掘与创新利用“学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shz0414
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  Homeotic genes,which are associated closely with body patterning of various species,specify segment identity.The Wedge eye-spot(Wes)is a new homeotic mutant located on the sixth linkage group.Homozygous Wes/Wes embryos are lethal and display a pair of antenna-like appendages under the mouthparts as well as fused thoracic segments.These mutants also exhibit a narrower eye-spot at the larval stage compared with the wild type.By positional cloning,we identified the candidate gene of the Wes locus,Bombyx mori Antennapedia(BmAntp).Two BmAntp transcripts were identified in the homozygote of the Wes mutant,including a normal form and an abnormal form with a 1570-bp insertion.Our data showed that the insertion element was a long interspersed nuclear element(LINE)-like transposon that destroyed the original open reading frame of BmAntp.Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression levels of normal BmAntp transcripts were increased markedly in the Wes heterozygous larvae compared with the wild type.Furthermore,we performed RNAi of BmAntp and observed fused thoracic segments and defective thoracic legs in the developing embryos.Our results indicated that BmAntp is responsible for the Wes mutant and has an important role in determining the proper development of the thoracic segments.Our identification of a homeotic mutation in the silkworm is an important contribution to our understanding of the regulation of Hox genes at different levels of expression.
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