Quantifying the Characteristics of Particulate Matters Captured by Urban Plants Using an Automatic A

来源 :第十四届中国生态学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun949423350
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It is widely accepted that urban vegetation can mitigate ambient particulate matter pollution, as plant leaves can capture airborne particles.Many studies have investigated the accumulation of plant leaves on particle retention based on particle mass and/or size distribution.Fewer studies,however, have examined the particle density, and the size and shape characteristics of particles,which may have important implications for source apportionment.Here, we applied an object-based classification approach to automatically extract the particles from scanning electron microscope photos for three plant species.
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为了观察外源性胶质细胞递质D-丝氨酸对PTSD 大鼠基底外侧杏仁核(BLA)和腹侧被盖区(VTA)电活动的影响,以探究其可能的作用机制。取成年SD 大鼠8 只,进行连续2 天的适应以及连续3 天的“声音+电击”配对刺激,24h 后检测木僵反应时间作为创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)模型制备的观察指标。
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目的 有氧运动对骨健康及骨质疏松性骨折的预防和康复均具有重要作用,而其健骨效应机制尚不甚明了.ENaC 是成骨细胞上重要的化学物质通道和机械应力感受器,但其在运动干预骨代谢过程中的相应变化和影响机制尚缺乏报道.通过中等强度跑台运动干预,探讨运动经cGMP-PKGⅡ-ENaC 通路对去卵巢大鼠骨量的影响效应,为阐明有氧运动对骨量影响及机制提供实验依据.
目的:持续和间歇运动对MI 大鼠心功能保护的M3 受体(M3 receptor,M3R)表征及其下游MEK1/2-pERK1/2-ERK1/2 通路的影响。方法:雄性SD 大鼠48 只,分为对照组(C),心梗组(MI),心梗+中强度持续运动组(ME1),心梗+高强度间歇运动组(ME2),每组12 只。