Occurrence of PAHs in Surface Sediments from Bering Sea,Chukchi Sea and Canadian Basin

来源 :2012中国极地科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoning5188
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  The method of ASE-SPE-GC was used to analysis the 14 surface sediment samples of the4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, which lasted from July to September, 2010.It was the first time to examine the concentrations, spatial distributions, potential sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the surface sediments of Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea,and Canadian Basin, which enriched the data set of pollutants study, afford the important basic data of PAHs in this areas as well.The results of the study turns out that the indexes discussed above is relatively low than ever before.The ∑PAH (∑PAHs refers to the sum of 16 prior PAHs)concentration range from 27.66 to 167.48 ng/g (dry weight, d.w.).Some PAH might be testified of the character of long distance atmospheric transport (LDAT) due to that station BN 13 located in the latitude 88.39~ might be the northernmost point ever investigated where 7 PAHs were detected with a total level of 27.66 ng/g d.w.Additionally, in terms of spatial distributions, the concentrations of ∑PAH were highest in the southern of Canadian Basin while lowest in the northern of Canadian Basin, the level of ∑PAH in the Chukchi Sea were slightly higher than that in the Being Sea.Three isomer ratios of PAHs (Phe/Ant, BaA/(BaA+Chy), LMW/HMW)were used to investigate the potential sources of PAHs.According to the study data, we can draw a conclusion that the potential source of PAHs in these areas is complex, which might be the main source of combustion combined with weaker petroleum combustion contribution.
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