The Methodology for Developing Stormwater Management Areas for Flow Control for the Auckland Unitary

来源 :2013城市雨水管理国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldd3663
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  In preparing input into the Aucklands Unitary Plan it became clear early on that to better protect good quality urban streams in the Auckland region from the effects of impervious development there needed to be a set of policies and rules to manage stormwater flows from both infill and new development areas.Traditional rules have proven to be inadequate to protect the quality of these streams.Increasing evidence is showing that to maintain stream health you have to reduce both volumes and peak flows from those frequent small events up to the 1 in 2yr recurrence interval.The paper describes the development of a set of Unitary Plan overlay maps defining specific Stormwater Management Areas for Flow control (SMAF1 and SMAF2 areas) which require stormwater management for stream health.Due to the need to cover all the urban streams in the Auckland region,the challenge was to have a process that could use the efficiencies of Councils GIS mapping data base while including catchment specific characteristics.The development of the overlay maps included an initial GIS mapping of three ‘primary criteria’ (stream slope,cumulative impervious and Macroinvertebrate Community Index),followed up by a set of workshops with catchment planning and freshwater council staff and further catchment specific ‘moderating factors’.The paper explains the process and gives examples of how to meet these stream health controls and indicative costs.This new approach is building on similar approaches in recent plan changes in the Auckland Region that have gone through very extensive technical work and legal challenges and are now operative.
《室外排水设计规范》(GB50014-2006,201 1版)提高了排水管道设计重现期标准,补充了应校核排水系统排除地面积水的规定.雨水口作为重要的管网附属构筑物,也应注意其设计排水能力的相应提高,保证服务区域内径流水量的快速排放.通过对雨水口数量、边沟横坡、雨水口位置及其高程等影响雨水口排水能力的几个重要因素进行分析,以北京为例,给出了典型路幅宽度机动车道在相应重现期下雨水口数量的设计建议值;提
An Integrated Catchment Management Plan (ICMP) was recently developed for the Mangere Inlet catchment,in Manukau City,Auckland.Flood risk analysis was one of the critical factors in the assessment and