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  背景:精神科護理師在出院準備服務交班完整率僅35 %,以致交班後未能及時提供精神病人因應疾病或治療後的相關技巧,影響精神病人獲得更好的持續性護理品質,及滿足出院後多層面的照護需求。目的:提升急性精神病人出院準備服務交班完整率。方法:評估目前出院準備服務交班方式,由單位資深護理師們討論後,制定結構式交班單,並安排在職教育宣導使用;另訂定白班交班稽核機制,由專責出院準備服務之護理師每月進行稽核。
Blast crisis (BC)is highly refractory to therapy and has a poor prognosis.To determine the efficacy of TKIs-Ⅱ com bined with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in CML BC,we
Imatinib Mesylate is widely used for the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML),and its effects on CML cells are influenced by several signalling proteins.The research is aimed at determinin
Objective To investigate the peptide extracts from scorpion venom (PESVs) producing an effect on BCR/ABL fusion gene and P210,ras,bcl-xl,JAK1,p53,Bax expression in CML-NOD/SCID mice,to research the me
Objective To determine the relationship of Imatinib (IM) concentration in bone marrow and its therapeutic response in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia inChina.To explore the underlying mecha
Extensive bone marrow necrosis (BMN) has been described as a rare complication of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).The prognoses of the patients with BMN were poor.There is no effective treatment for BM
Purpose The clinical outcome of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients has been changed dramatically due to the development of imatinib (IM).However,the emergence of IM resistance,commonly associated
Concurrent manifestation of two myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms in one patient is rare.Due to its rarety,the origin of both diseases is still a matter of debate,whether the two malignancies arose from
背景:內視鏡清洗刷洗作業流程很重要,須高層次消毒劑浸泡時間至少12 分鐘,才可將微生物及細菌孢子全部清除,使用上須謹慎避免發生副作用.目的:運用TRM 手法及創意巧思融入照護流程與作業,提昇OPA 泡消完整率.方法:運用查檢表與問卷測驗進行現況數據搜集如下:1.對OPA 泡消認知不足:醫師30 %、護理同仁60.5 %.2.泡消作業,作法不一,自評泡消完整率僅68.2 %.
背景:病人緊急出血時提供完整照護,可預防出血帶來的合併症.現況分析得知護理人員對胃腸道緊急出血之處置照護完整性僅達57.0 %.原因為人員對於照護處置項目不熟悉、缺乏整合緊急出血立即性提供的評估及內容與教育訓練不完整.目的:護理人員對胃腸道緊急出血時之處置照護完整性提升為98 %.
背景:鏡檢檢查是一種重要、侵入性檢查。對患者來說是一種壓力來源,會有不同程度的焦慮反應。在內視鏡檢查前提供衛教,可有效降低患者焦慮及對治療遵從性也會提升。目的:本單位為內科病房,因腸胃科患者佔50%,其中80%患者需接受鏡檢檢查,統計2013年2月~8月174 人接受鏡檢,僅135 人遵從衛教,因患者年紀大、照顧者常更換或由外傭照顧,及人員工作忙碌缺乏相關護理指導標準及輔助工具,衛教易造成彼此間認