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Objectives: In the exploration of human unconsciousness, Sadism and Masochism has already become one kind of object relation pattern, which is not only concerned with patients’ sexual psychology and sexual behaviour , but also expressed in all life profiles of the persons involved. Probably we can even infer that the pattern of Sadism and Masochism itself is just an important composition of the collective unconsciousness of human being. Methods: Using single case study design, a man with both sadistic and masochistic symptoms was administered 125 sessions of psychodynamic therapy systematically. During the course of therapy, the therapist was under the systematic case supervision from both foreign and Chinese experienced experts. Results: Through deep analytic therapy, the hypothesis mentioned above was proved. The patient still perform the circle of Sadism and Masochism compulsively and repeatedly in his object relations even after his sadistic sexual behavior disappeared. Conclusions: Sadomasochism is a kind of being for the patient. According to my analysis, it seems that Sadomasochism pattern(or tendency) would influence each of us, and this contradictory and vibrated force would go along with us in a lifetime. Sometimes it would be a kind of motivation for advance and sometimes a kind of restriction for the mind.
1 前言 工程塑料以价格低、密度小、减振降噪等优点在农机行业中被广泛采用,其中尼龙-66在拖拉机变速箱上的成功应用极大地推动了工程塑料在农机行业的应用范围和发展速度。尼
<正>原发性膜性肾病(Idiopa thic Membranous Nephropathy,IMN)占原发性肾小球肾炎总数的9.89%[1],是成人难治性肾病的常见病理类型。本病预后差别较大,存在肾功能逐渐恶化和