Left spermatic cordmetastasis after radical resection of remnant gastric cancer:one case report

来源 :第十届中国医师协会外科医师年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whlwzn
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  Objective s To report a case of spermatic cordmetastasis from gastric cancer and improve the diagnostic level and therapeutic effect.Methods We recently observed a 72-year-old man,who had accepted extend radical resection of gastric stump cancerfora poorly differentiatedadenocarcinoma,suffered groin discomfort with a palpable mass in the left inguinal area after operation.Spermatic cord metastasis was confirmed by pathological biopsy,and then palliative chemotherapy and radiotherapy were performed.The disease of our patient was stable after follow-up 10 months.Results and Conclusions Spermatic cord metastasis from gastric canceris very rare and the prognosis is poor.In patients with a history of gastric cancer and groin discomfort or mass,metastaticadenocarcinoma should be suspected for detection and treatment of tumors early.Multidisciplinary comprehensive treatmentcan improve the survival of patients
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门静脉系统血栓(portal vein thrombosis, PVT)是指在门静脉主干、肠系膜上、下静脉或脾静脉内形成的血栓,是胰腺炎少见的临床并发症,多来自于CP,而AP并发 PVT的发病率只有1.8%-24.0%。 PVT多为胰腺炎病程中偶然发现,易误诊、漏诊致延误病情,并最终导致肝功能衰竭、脾功亢进及食管一胃底静脉曲张破裂出血等并发症的发生,严重地危及了患者的生命。有鉴于此,本文对胰腺炎