
来源 :第七届中日盾构隧道技术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happytime3
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  The current understanding is that aged deterioration poses a serious problem in the most of all communication cable tunnels that take an important role in information-oriented society.However, it remains to be elucidated how to evaluate soundness of tunnel appropriately in the limited funds and time.To establish the evaluation method, here we study structural performance of the tunnel itself and whether tunnel which a crack and corrosion generated can bear the purpose of use.Seven experiments with a 1/2 scale models and numerical analyses were conducted, and the validity of an analysis model and the effect of the reinforcement construction method were investigated.The results of the study show the indicator of the maintenance management technique over the communication cable tunnels of various states.
  The Tohoku Earthquake of magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale, the greatest event in the history in Japan, was occurred on March, 2011.This research is based
  今後,都市部で利用が増加すると予想される大深度地下のょぅな硬質地盤では,シ-ルド覆工に水圧相等のカしか作用して ぃなぃことが多ぃ。これは,地山が自立し,土圧が周辺地山
  本稿は既設シ-ルド幹線の維持管理にぉける耐震検討手法を提案し、シ-ルド工法で施工された最も古ぃ既設下水幹線の地震時挙動をシミュ レ-ショ ン、耐震性能評価を行っ
  The buckling of submarine shield tunnel lining was investigated using the numerical analysis method, with respect to the influence of joints, and the ground