
来源 :2016中国蜂产品行业大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumin0371
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  南美由12 个国家组成,其中阿根廷、巴西、智利和乌拉圭是蜂蜜主要生产国和出口国。这四个国家的蜂蜜产量占全世界蜂蜜市场的15%。阿根廷、智利和乌拉圭是非常典型以家庭为基础的养蜂作业,采取了先进的生产技术并具有良好的可追溯性。这些国家是高品质蜂蜜的出口强国,其生产能力目前却遭受来自国际市场上不断扩大的质量可疑蜂蜜的威胁。
One important driving force behind parties entering into contract farming agreements is to improve farmers production efforts(e.g.buying agricultural machinery or using new planting techniques).In thi
In this article,we investigate a joint pricing and inventory problem for a retailer selling fresh-agri-products(FAPs)with two-period shelf lifetime in a dynamic stochastic setting,where new and old FA
This paper presents results from a survey field experiment conducted in the Ecuador highlands where responding farm households are randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups:(i)a male responde
The study explores the response of the labor supply of the elderly and their children to the timing of pension program.The results show that the implementation of NRPP has a negative effect on the eld
We consider a contract design problem when the customer returns rate is private information to the retailer.Assuming that the retailer is a listed firm and cares about her market value,in the advertis
Recently,continuing outbreaks of avian influenza in China have not only caused great loss of the agricultural sector,but also brought fear and distrust to consumers,seriously undermining consumer conf
The sweetpotato is the leading vegetable crop grown in the state of Louisiana and one of the main agricultural crops produced in the southern United States.Domestic consumption of orange-fleshed sweet
International students applying for a visa to study in the United States must prove that they have no intention of immigrating permanently.Applicants must show that they plan to go to the United State
蜂王浆(RJ)具有免疫调节、抗氧化、抗炎、抗菌等多种药理作用,被广泛应用于人类健康食品开发.本文研究RJ 对小鼠4T1 乳腺癌增殖的影响.分别采用0.5,1.0,1.5g/kg 三个剂量饲喂小鼠,饲喂一个月后接种4T1 乳腺癌细胞.