Analytical Study on Self-healing of Cement-based Materials Incorporating Mineral Additives with the

来源 :The 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement ( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sniperxp
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  The self-healing of cement-based materials incorporating mineral additives in groundwater condition was studied.More work was done to investigate the process of the crystallization of calcium carbonate based on thermal and dynamics theory.It was showed that the concentration of CO32-and Ca2+ was affected by Pco2 and pH, the number of CaCO3 was increased with the temperature, pH, Ca2+and PcO2.The formation of CaCO3 by saturated conditions of ion in the crack was a necessary but not sufficient, and the mechanism of nucleation of CaCO3 was heterogeneous.At early age, the formation of CaCO3 is determined by the kinetics of crystal growth,however, the crystal growth of CaCO3 is controlled by the process of ion diffusion at latterly age.The diffusion of Ca2+ is the key in the process when water takes full contact with air in the crack;the component of groundwater is the key factor when the crack touches it directly.
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