Using an exon microarray to identify a global profile of gene expression and alternative splicing in

来源 :广东省遗传学会第九届代表大会暨学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsqj123465
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  To investigate the effect of valproate treatment on the K562 cell line, a model for chronic myelogenous leukaemia, the growth and survival of the K562cell line were investigated using the Annexin-V/PI dual staining method, and global profiles of gene expression and alternative splicing in K562 cellswere assessed using exon microarrays.A significant increase in cell apoptosis was observed in valproate-exposed K562 cells using flow cytometry.A total of 628 transcripts were identified as being significantly differentially expressed.The number of genes demonstrating increased expression levels was greater than the number of genes demonstrating decreased expression levels (445 genes vs.183 genes, respectively).The significant enrichment analysis of GO terms for the differentially expressed genes revealed that these genes are involved in many important biological processes such as apoptosis.Six of the genes observed to be differentially expressed that might be involved in apoptosis were selected to undergo qRT-PCR validation.In total, 198 candidates of alternative splicing variants were identified.Among them, three alternative splicing events were selected for validation, and CBLC and TBX1 were confirmed to be alternatively spliced by semi-nested PCR.In conclusion, valproate exposure facilitated cell apoptosis, altered mRNA expression and alternative splicing events in the K562 cell line.
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