A dynamic invertible ICT fluorescence probe:real-time monitoring of mitochondrial ATPase activity

来源 :中国化学会第十届全国化学生物学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xue19830821
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  Mitochondrial ATPase is an important ATP synthase consisting of two specific functional regions,FO and F1 units.
ESIPT(excited-state intramolecular proton transfer)is emerging as a new design principle for fluorescence probes and attracts extensive attention in many fields of chemical and biological sciences for
Bioorthogonal cleavage reaction has emerged as an attractive strategy for releasethe function of biomolecules,which enable us to study intracellular biomolecules in again-of-function way.
组蛋白(histone)与DNA 组装构成了真核细胞核小体,其尾部含有大量的翻译后修饰(post-translational modifications,PTMs),这些修饰提供了信号平台招募识别蛋白(reader),并与之形成蛋白复合物,随之引发下游的转录调控,这一过程失调可导致肿瘤等重大疾病的发生。因此组蛋白修饰结合蛋白鉴定具有十分重要的生物学意义。
Fluorescence monitoring of formaldehyde in real-environmental samples and live plant tissues is of great importance for the physiological and pathological studies.
光敏氧化是一种常见的高级氧化模式,一般通过光敏剂敏化产生单线态氧.我们发现单线态氧能够高效的氧化一些过氧化物酶底物,如TMB、OPD 等.在此,我们提出利用光敏剂代替传统ELISA 中昂贵的酶标抗体,使得免疫分析灵敏度提高了50 倍.此外,我们结合DNA 对一些光敏染料的荧光调控,消除非辐射跃迁,调控其磷光并产生单线态氧,实现对过氧化物酶底物TMB 的可控氧化.结合DNA 和适配体对目标物的选择性
反铂配合物trans-[PtCl2(NH3)(thiazole)](trans-PtTz)具有抑制细胞增殖活性,而且与顺铂没有交叉抗药性.和顺铂类似,DNA 也被认为是trans-PtTz潜在的作用靶标.Trans-PtTz 与DNA 鸟嘌呤碱基上的N7 配位,形成等摩尔的单功能复合物和链内、链间交联复合物.
The acquisition of biochemical information is the key step for human to explore the essence of life phenomena. Biosensing technology is an important tool for biochemical information acquisition.
K27-linkage poly-ubiquitination plays important roles in DNA damage repair and autoimmunity.Identification of K27-linkage selective deubiquitinases(DUBs)is essential for understanding their regulatory