The relationship between dietary intake and endothelial function among vasculogenic erectile dysfunc

来源 :华夏医学论坛·泌尿生殖2015暨亚太性医学年会2015 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Elf_nastia
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  Objective: The aim of present study was to evaluate the association between dietary intake and endothelial function among the erectile dysfunction males attending for clinics.Methods: We performed a prospective study between March 2014 and June 2014 at the urology OPD in TriService General Hospital.Forty-four patients were enrolled and filled out the IIEF(the international index of erectile function)questionnaire.The 24-hour dietary recall and peripheral arterial tonometry(PAT)were conducted.Augmentation index(AI%)and reactive hyperemia index(RHI%)were represented systematic arterial stiffness and endothelial-dependent vasodilation respectively.Results: Our final results showed that vegetable intake which portions adjusted by 1,000 kcal of,were negatively related to IIEF score.A negative correlation was noted between AI%and IIEF score,and the association between AI%and exchange of whole grain intake was also observed.In addition,RHI%was marked associated with intake of polyunsaturated fatty acid.Conclusions: Dietary intakes were related to endothelial function among ED patients,especially whole grain products and the vegetables.Detailed the mechanism of pathogenesis should be examined in future larger study.
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