Fabrication of microstructures on GaAs with pulsed electrochemical wet stamping

来源 :上海交通大学第16期博士生学术论坛——机械百年·智能制造·智造中国学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiandancaozuo
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  Fabrication of microstructures on gallium arsenide (GaAs) was investigated using electrochemical wet stamping (E-WETS) by limiting a selective anodic dissolution process in the contact area between a stamp and a GaAs substrate.The pre-patterned agarose stamp acts as a current flow and electrolyte channel between a working electrode and a counter electrode.A short potential pulse was applied to improve the precision as well as surface roughness of the fabricated microstructures on GaAs surfaces.The pulse width of 100 μs and pulse-to-pause ratio of 1:3 were selected as optimum machining parameters.Lateral deviation of the fabricated microstructures from those on the master was approximately 1.3 %, and the electrochemical etch rate in 0.1 M HBr was approximately 40 μm/h.The results demonstrated that E-WETS was a promising approach to fabricate microstructures on GaAs with high accuracy and efficiency.
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