Amide proton imaging may reflect tumor proliferation and secondary neuron damage in cerebral primary

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:onlymeley
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  Purpose: Since the researcher has observed the amide proton transfer (APT) imaging signal intensity varied with the Choline signal intensity detected by multi-voxelmagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRSI) in a patient of anaplastic astrocytoma (Grade Ⅲ), this prospective study was designed to explore whether the asymmetric magnetic transfer ratio (MTRasym) based on APT imaging represents the tumor proliferation. Materials and Methods:This prospective research was approved by the Hospital Ethics Committee. A total of 42 patients were enrolled in this study, and all of them had tumor resection. According to WHO criteria, 28 were with low grade glioma, 14 with high grade glioma (grade Ⅲ 6, grade IV 8). Four circular ROIs were drawn by two readers who were blinded to patients histopathology, the mean MTRasym signals were compared among low- and high-grade gliomas and their correlations with ki-67 were analyzed. To determine the relationship between MTRasym and the multiple parameters including Cho, NAA and Cho/NAA obtained by MRSI, 36 patients were included in the Voxel-by-voxel analysis. The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was employed to determine the diagnostic performance. The correlation coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficients were analyzed. Results: The MTRasym of low-grade gliomas was significantly smaller than that in high-grade gliomas (2.65±0.20 vs 3.74±0.17, P = 0.001 for reader 1; 2.63±0.18vs 3.47±0.16, P =0.004 for reader 2) with a sensitivity of 92.9% and a specificity of 71.4%. The correlation analysis between the APT MTRasym value of tumor solid parts and Ki-67 Labeling Index revealed a moderate positive correlation (r=0.449, p=0.005). Among all the patients, the APT MTRasym value of the solid parts of tumor moderately correlated positively with the magnitude of Cho (r = 0.429, P =0.009) and the Cho/NAA Ratio (r = 0.423, P =0.01), but negatively with the magnitude of NAA (r = -0.455, P =0.005), espectively. Analysis of low grade gliomas revealed that the MTRasym showed a similar correlation tendency with Cho, NAA and the Cho/NAA ratio (r = 0.442, P =0 .031 VS r =-0.474, P =0.019 VS r = 0.448, P =0 .028, respectively), while the absolute value of correlation coefficient of high-grade gliomas were higher (r = 0.547, P =0 .053; r = -0.644, P =0 .017; r=0.583, p=0.036, respectively). Conclusion: The asymmetric APT imaging may serve as a non-invasive biomarker for tumor proliferation and reflect the secondary tumor derived neuronal damages.
目的 探讨术前中性粒/淋巴细胞比值(NLR)在阴茎癌患者预后评估中的价值。方法 回顾性分析2005~2017 年在福建医科大学附属第一医院泌尿外科行手术治疗的55 例阴茎癌患者的临床资料。分析NLR 与患者临床病理特征之间的关系,比较两组患者无进展生存率(PFS)和总生存率(OS)的差异。
目的 探讨术前COP-NLR 对局限性肾癌患者行根治性肾肿瘤切除术后的预后价值。方法 回顾性分析2010 年1 月至2015 年12 月789 例行根治性肾肿瘤切除术,并经病理证实为局限性肾癌患者的临床病理资料及术后随访资料。通过ROC 曲线确定血小板计数和NLR(中性粒细胞淋巴细胞比率)的最佳临界值。
目的 以GEO 数据库(Gene Expression Omnibus)中结肠癌转录组数据及其临床随访信息建立Cox比例风险回归模型,筛选出影响结肠癌患者生存状态的关键基因,为患者预后风险评估及个体化治疗方案的制定提供依据。
目的 以TCGA(the Cancer Genome Atlas,癌基因组计划)数据库中结肠癌(Colonadenocarcinoma,COAD)转录组数据及其临床随访信息建立Cox 比例风险回归模型,筛选出影响COAD 生存状态的关键基因,为患者预后风险评估及个体化治疗方案的制定提供依据。
目的 目的:评估血浆Septin9 甲基化检测试剂盒对结直肠癌的高危状态包括慢性肠炎和多发结直肠息肉筛选价值。方法 方法:采集2018 年6 月-12 月参与肠镜检查的140 例血浆样本,包括62 例结直肠癌高危状态患者(包括20 例慢性肠炎和42 例多发结直肠息肉)和78 例健康对照。使用血浆Septin9 甲基化试剂盒检测所有研究对象的血浆中Septin9 甲基化的水平,评估其预测结直肠癌高危
目的 胰腺癌与胰腺良性肿瘤间的鉴别历来是临床上的一大难点。本课题探索了消化道肿瘤标志物在胰腺良恶性肿瘤患者的血清、尿液、胆汁、胰液及胃液5 种体液中的鉴别诊断及预测价值。方法 选取胰腺癌患者39 名,胰腺良性肿瘤患者50 名,比较两组患者间血清、尿液、胆汁、胰液及胃液肿瘤标志物的浓度,肿瘤标志物包括CEA、CA125、CA19-9、CA724、CA242 及AFP6 种。
目的 探讨Paxillin 表达情况和前列腺癌根治术后生化复发关系.方法 收集2008 年1 月至2013 年1 月期间我院231 例前列腺癌行根治性前列腺切除术后病理标本及相关临床资料.生化复发研究纳入标准:术后1 个月复查PSA 降至0.1ng/ml 及以下;排除标准:淋巴结转移阳性,随访资料缺失,以及中途接受辅助内分泌治疗和放疗.
目的 本研究采用第二代炫速双源CT大螺距扫描模式在低管电压下评估图像质量和辐射剂量.方法 120例10个月内有随访资料可疑冠状动脉体检以及住院患者为研究对象.采用西门子第二代炫速双源CT,双筒高压注射器团注,对比剂采用非离子对比剂碘海醇.分别随机分组,使用大螺距80kV和迭代重建(SAFIRE)和80kV或者100kV滤波反投影算法重建(FBP).不同的感兴趣区描述客观图像的质量.结果 两组