EPB Shield Tunneling for Twin Tunnels with Shallow Overburden under Railway in Operation

来源 :第五届中国国际隧道工程研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mulang608
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  Keio Line is an important part of the main railway in Tokyo Metropolitan rail transportation network.To mitigate traffic congestion as well as to avoid potential traffic accidents railway crossing with roads on the ground, a project for underground doubletrack railway and underground stations was planed and has been under construction near Chofu Station.Two parallel tunnels were constructed in the project, in which existing railways on ground level will be shifted into the underground parallel tunnels.One EPB TBM (6.85m outer diameter) was used for both first and second tunnel construction.The TBM was turned around in a vertical shaft after the first tunnel driving, and then launched from the shaft for the second tunnel.The TBM driving was executed under the following special conditions; 1) TBM driving beneath existing railway with shallow earth cover (the minimum earth cover is 4.7m that is less than the outer diameter of tunnel lining), 2) the ground bored by TBM which is mainly composed of the Tachikawa gravel formation containing boulders which is over 300mm, 3) small clearance between the parallel tunnels (the minimum clearance was 400mm), and 4) rotation and lift-up of the TBM in the narrow shaft beneath existing railway after the first tunnel driving (a weight of TBM was approximately 300ton).Fuda station is constructed by cut and cover tunnel method.The ground soil up to the tunnels was excavated in the station area first, and then, the tunnel linings were partially cut and removed to construct platform at the track level of the station.This paper summarizes the overall project and reports regarding the countermeasures against above mentioned conditions and the method of the platform level construction with cut and removal of the tunnel linings in Fuda station.
  The TBM market has exploded in the last 20 years in terms of number of TBM produced/utilized and TBM size/diameter.However in the same lapse of time not man
小小的流感,常会给驾车带来意想不到的后果。 据调查报告显示,感冒,特别是流行性感冒,对人的一些行动能力会产生重大影响,其作用几乎等同于喝了8升啤酒之后的效果。另外,流感
清晨,不少家长惟恐上班迟到或耽误孩子上学,往往冲着熟睡中的孩子大声喊叫或用力摇动,甚至强行掀被子生拉硬扯孩子起床。其实,这样做是有害于孩子身心健康 In the early mo