
来源 :第二届水力发电技术国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doer
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  三峡-葛洲坝梯级电站联合调度水力学模型试验中,三峡电站下泄流量日变化幅度较大,葛洲坝电站反调节时流量大而水头较低。为了适应新实验的技术要求,提高实验数据的精度和效率,在原有模型测控系统的基础上,开发了由组态王和PLC组成的两级计算机监控系统,采用FUZZY- PI复合控制算法,对于改善调节水流动态特性,并消除系统静差效果较为理想,模型的性能得以充分发挥,满足实际运行需求。
Gelatin is a good capsule material and has been used widely in the food and pharmaceutical industries.Starch also has a large potential for capsule material and shows a slower drug release behavior.
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Polycationic gene delivery system was widely used for cancer therapy.Polycations with high positive potentials exhibited good transfection efficiency,but at the same time,the surplus positive charges
Temperature and pH value are two significant parameters to assess ones physical health.Significant efforts have been devoted to the development of therapeutic systems based on thermo/pH stimuli[1,2].
Macrophages,ubiquitous phagocytic cells in the human immune system,play a key role in homeostatic,immunological,and inflammatory processes.They are rapidly recruited to the diseased site by signaling
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