Draft genome sequence of a thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum NTOU1 isolat

来源 :2015海峡两岸海洋生物多样性研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dan0030
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  An anaerobic,thermophilic,gram-negative bacterium Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum NTOU1 was isolated and enriched from an acidic hydrothermal vent fluid under Gueishandao Island in Taiwan.It grows at 45-90℃ and its optimum temperature is 70℃.It is also halotolerant,it grows at 5%salt concentration.This strain has the ability to utilize several kinds of pentose and hexose,and lignocellulosic biomass such as xylan and cellulobiose to produce ethanol more efficiently than several other species of thermophilic bacteria.This bacterium has potential to be used in biotechnology.Since draft genome sequence analysis and annotation of genes could provide insights into possible gene functions and metabolic pathways,thus it may also provide information about genes related to ethanol production in NTOU1.In my thesis whole genome gene sequencing of this bacterium was performed first by using Ion Torrent PGM sequencer.300 bp and 400 bp sequenceing kit with 318,316 Chip were selected.As the tools De novo genome assembly was done by MIRA,CLC,Newbler,Celera software.Assembled genome sequence was then annotated with the Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology(RAST)and KEGG Automatic Annotation Server(KAAS).Furthermore,rRNA and tRNA were predicted by RNAmmer and tRNA-scan-SE,respectively.168 contigs,101 contigs,and 28 scaffolds were established using 300 bp sequencing kit,400 bp sequencing kit(Ion Torrent),and Pacbio respectively after MIRA and celera assembly.These sequences were mapped with established gene sequences of the reference bacteria(T.saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485、T.xylanolyticum LX-11、T.thermosaccharolyticum DSM 571、T.thermosaccharolyticum M0795).
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